Chapter 4563 Informed

Xia Jinyuan can’t want to express his position, and go home later?

No, no, he can’t wait for Ye Jian’s senior year to graduate, and the next day he will return to Xia Jia.

But in the future, my father-in-law is really satisfied with him. As long as he is satisfied with him, everything is easy to say.

Calm summer and today look at the time, and then a little later to 12 o’clock in the evening, gentle said: “Time is not early, you have to rest early… Hey? No, baby, how do you spend with your father-in-law? Father-in-law came to Xiangcheng? ”

The middle school that was panicked for half an hour finally returned to normal and found the problem.

Ye Jian remembered that she did not tell the Xia team that she had returned home. “Xiangcheng has a hot weather and continuous high temperature. Xiangda is trying to shorten the 15-day military training for five days and change it into ten days. I want to go back to Beijing. Look at Chen Shu…just my dad returned to Beijing and came to the airport personally.”

It turned out to be…

“I am going back to Beijing. Is there any plan to go to the South Province to see Chen Shu? If you go, say hello to Chen Shu.” The smile of Xia Jinyuan’s Jun Yan also converges a lot. The two men are silent and feel very depressed. Dean.

Ye Jian low and low “Hm” said: “Yes, I plan to return to the South Province after the day, today… I want to go directly to the military commander directly to the commander-in-chief. There has been no news, I want to ask in person, I am afraid on the phone… The commander-in-chief will not tell me the truth.”

After a short while, Xia Jinyuan answered, “Alright, just flying back and forth you will be a little tired.”

Chen Shu’s affairs have been so long after the military department has not heard the news, let the little fox personally ask the old man.

“It’s not early, the summer team you have to rest early. Gobi Beach training you are the most tired, face and back sunburn should be handled well, especially the back, remember to apply medicine.”

Xia Jinyuan, who received a distressed girlfriend, has a soft look. “Receive! Be sure to listen carefully, take care of yourself, good night, baby.”

“Good night.” My light.

Ye Jian said gently, and heard the kiss coming from there, and the faint smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. He heard that he said “Good night” and he refused to hang up.

She will not hang up in advance, he will always wait.

The next morning, Ye Jian also wanted to find a chance to tell Fu Da that she wanted to visit Chen Shu. Fu Da looked like a leaf in his heart. He gently licked the head of Yan Ye Jane and whispered: “Mad Dad will go see with you. Look at you, Chen Shu.”

Ye Jianzheng packed up the used tableware for breakfast. Unexpectedly, a porcelain bowl slipped from her hand on the solid wood dining table.

“Dad…” The voice was very dry, like a rusted string, and no moving notes were played.

Fu Dad silently picked up the shaking bowl and sighed: “Dad was in the military department yesterday, chatting with Commander-in-Chief for a while, knowing that you were killed by Chen Shu.”

“You didn’t contact me and your grandfather still insisted on returning to Beijing, and did not contact Xia Jia. Dad guessed yesterday that you should return to Beijing to visit you, Chen Shu.”

“Daughter, Dad is jealous of you, Dad knows nothing about it.” The old father at home knows things, but he doesn’t know.

Ye Jian’s head was lowered, his nose and eyes were sore.

“You have a task in your body, you can’t contact the family. I have never blamed you. You don’t need to yell at me.” He took a nose and his face was sour and red, and Jane looked up and smiled at Fu Da. “Really, Dad, I haven’t blamed you. Don’t blame yourself.”

“I plan to return to South China to visit Chen Shu the day after tomorrow. Are you still having an appointment with your two students? You don’t have to accompany me. I want to go to the military to find the commander-in-chief today.”

“I am going to change to tomorrow, and today I am going to find the commander-in-chief with you. I am going with you in the southern provinces, I should go and see, I should go and see… let’s go.”

(End of this chapter)

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