Chapter 4565

Ye Jianlian’s eyes are extremely heavy, so that Fu Da’s heartstrings are tight in the eyes, for fear that a daughter will make amazing moves.

The cold-leading Ye Jian made Minister Xia pay more attention to it, and then he took two photos from a torn closed leather bag and handed it over.

These two photos are members of the two organizations that are active in the international community. Minister Xia handed these two photos to Ye Jian and Fu Da.

“These two people came from two organizations and had excellent assassination capabilities, but at the time they did not enter the country, but in the war-torn country.”

After receiving the photo, Ye Jian’s line of sight fell, and the pupil tightened instantly. The photo she took was a mixed-race woman, green eyes, black hair, very beautiful and dangerous.

More dangerous is… She wore a pair of silver bracelets on the right hand wrist of the wine glass, and she…has also possessed a murder weapon that can usually be used as a jewelry.

It was also the first time she saw the same jewelry.

In the mind, Jane suddenly remembered the action of the country, and the helper of the country, Kundan, told her that the things worn on the wrists were exposed in front of the country and the islanders, and they would cause trouble.

With the reminder of Kundan, it was rare for me to reveal it easily. Even if I went abroad to perform the task, it was revealed at the last critical time.

I have never seen a similar handicraft, but today I saw it in the hands of a woman in a photo. It was also a woman who was solved by her.

The same jewelry, the same as women, must come from the same organization.

Ye Jian’s eyes are getting colder and colder. It’s hard to be the two people who were strangled by themselves and the Xia team. In fact, even the “spy” identity is a disguise for obscurity.

The real goal of the two men is Chen Shu, who was also the principal of Fujun Township Middle School. The yin and yang were solved in advance by her and the Xia team, and did not let President Chen expose it?

On the back, the cool leaf was still keeping an eye on the photo. Minister Xia made a look. The principal responsible for the investigation of President Chen’s case said “sorry” and said that Ye Jian handed the photo to her.

Fu Daben still wants to see the photos in Ye Jian’s hand. Ye Jianfei quickly handed the photos over. No father saw the photos from his hand to Ye Jian and said: “You write down them. .

Ye Jane nodded slightly, took photos and looked at it carefully, remembering that the foreign man in the photo returned the photo.

The Minister Xia, who was sitting above, reloaded the photo into a sealed bag. He looked straight at Ye Jian and was accustomed to a serious voice. “The clues that our defense is currently investigating are still going on and have not given up.”

“Defense has not given up the investigation, but it is not impossible to find out overnight. The huge roots of the two organizations are currently only identifying the tip of the iceberg. However, with such a small corner, progress is very difficult.”

“Small leaf, I can understand the mood you want to solve as soon as possible, but can you really be sure that you are ready to face the dangers that you are likely to face in the future?”

“Think about Bo…”


The uncle’s word has been said to be half. The commander-in-chief of Xia suddenly had a itch in his eyes and a long cough. Fu Da’s gaze swept his eyes and sat down with the commander-in-chief of Xia.

Minister Xia naturally changed his mind. “Think about what I said and hope that you will remember.”

The leaf-to-name leaf was slightly moved, and soon her expression was solemn and solemn. “I understand, thank you Minister Xia for reminding me. I will remember it and remind myself.”

(End of this chapter)

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