Chapter 4574 Father Love

Fu Da’s two students are not very old. The Jingli people are about twenty-seven or eight. The five senses are very correct. They are also handsome. It is estimated that they are going to the laboratory like Fu Da, so the skin color is slightly white and filthy. It is also very calm, and the courtesy is polite. At first glance, I know that I am born into a family with a tutor.

They graduated from graduate school, and the two outstanding professionals have been assigned by Fu Da after they have been assigned to a certain base in the northwest. Fu Da has a high evaluation of their ability and ability, otherwise they will not bring Ye Jian.

The two were a little surprised when Ye Jian came in. When Fu Da introduced the three to each other, the two men matched Ye Jian as a “sister.”

The daughter of the teacher can be a sister.

During the conversation, Ye Jian can see from the words and deeds that they are very respectful to Fu Da, and take care of her “sister”.

It is not a diligent and uncomfortable care. It is a proper time to talk about the topic that Ye Jian can participate in.

In the chat, Jane knew that the two arrived in a week, participated in a briefing, and specifically reported what was not talking. Fu Da invited the two to come out to chat purely. The matter involving the base was not mentioned in half.

I really want to talk about the missile issue, all of which have been developed by some foreign countries in the world, and what projects have been started. Although I have never touched the leaflet in this field, I can’t understand it, but… I also listened with gusto.

Because this is the area she usually can’t reach and can’t understand the blank.

“Sisters seem to be very interested. Is there any intention to change the field?” One of the students surnamed Shao smiled and asked Ye Jian, and joked: “The teacher is afraid that he will give up.”

Ye Jane smiled and shook his head and denied it. “No, no, because I haven’t touched it before, I’m very curious. It’s not so courage to turn the field.”

“Subsidiary fathers, must be a good story.” Another surnamed student joined the joke, they all saw that Ye Jian followed their teacher’s easy-going temper, and did not want her to listen to boredom alone, it is appropriate to have a few jokes, The right to be active.

Fu Da smiled and said: “Don’t tease my daughter, she is thin, and you can’t be jokes.” Fu Dad, who is talking, has a kind smile and looks at Ye Jian. “Take her out is to see and see the sky, there are people outside, others. I only think that my boyfriend is a good one.”

“Going out, there are actually many good men outside.”

The two students laughed and laughed. They both knew that the teacher would bring the teacher and sister tonight, but they never thought about anything else. It was impossible to ride the dragon.

It is difficult for the teacher to return home once a year or two for a few years. I know how much I have to live with my family. How can I let my daughter find a husband who is not returning home?

As for why the teacher suddenly mentioned that he would bring the teacher to see them, they thought that the teacher wanted to know more about the teacher’s life in the base. So many topics were started with the teacher as the center. The sisters did listen very seriously. interest.

Only then did I understand that it was not what they thought, but the teacher… coughing, worried that the teacher and sister were too concerned about boyfriends and made themselves suffer.

“Sister, don’t hesitate to say that there are many young people in our base, and there are many dragons and phoenixes in the people. We both count as general. Thanks to the teacher’s love, they show their faces in front of the sisters and show off a few tricks.”

(End of this chapter)

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