Chapter 4591

When referring to Huang Yawen, Lu, who is in charge of logistics, said a lot of things, and sighed: “Hey, the leader and the leader of the department will talk to her again. If you really don’t cooperate, please only ask the parents to come to school.”

Please ask Huang Yawen’s parents to come out… Mr. Lu really believes that even if the parents come, it will not have any effect, and he will think that Huang Yawen is not wrong.

Today, she heard the “feat” of Huang Yawen’s parents, I am afraid that it is not for the school to deal with, but to support her daughter.

In view of Huang Yawen’s report on the second day of misdeeds, the school will arrange for the instructor to live with her, and quickly arrange a separate bedroom to prevent her from being shocked and angry in the face of the instructor.

In this way, Ye Jian does not need to consider the next training for girls.

Did not say more with Ye Jian, Lu teacher with Ye Jian back to the girl 405 bedroom to take the rucksack.

There was a light in the bedroom, and there was a light on the side of the bathroom. The incoming leaflet glimmered slightly through the bathroom where the breath came.

At this time, the dormitory should be free of talents. All the freshmen are sitting in the classroom. The guides first announce the discipline that the military training students must obey tomorrow, and tell them in advance that they must obey the instructor’s orders.

There are girls in the 405 bedroom who did not go to the classroom.

The leaf that took the line of sight back into the bedroom, she saw the rucksack on the bed, just a slap in the eye.

Teacher Lu smiled and said: “Fortunately, only take the quilt out, Ye instructor, do you still have other things? Don’t fall.”

“Mr. Lu, I did not take out my personal belongings. My rucksack was moved.” Ye Jian’s mouth was tight and the eyes were cold. “Please ask Mr. Lu to help me ask if I didn’t go to the classroom. Student, see if she sees someone moving my rucksack?”


Teacher Lu was shocked. Someone even dared to turn over the baggage of the instructor. Her face changed. She immediately said: “Ye, instructor, you can see if there are few…”

The word “things” has not yet been said. It was interrupted by the sound of flushing and cheerful singing in the bathroom. Then the closed toilet door opened. A girl who was at least one meter tall and tall and strong came out. .

When Teacher Lu appeared to be a person, the face that had changed was completely gloomy. “Huang Yawen, why didn’t you go to the classroom!”

It turned out that she is Huang Yawen.

It’s a girl’s hands and no fear… Because her physique is really dominant, then look at her arms, it’s very strong… a bit like learning something.

Huang Yawen heard the words and said, “I don’t think it’s diarrhea, please come back.” The line of sight swept to Ye Jian. “You are the instructor? So thin? Like a bamboo pole, it is very weak at first glance.”

The unsightly sight has already looked at Ye Jian up and down. After he finished, he questioned: “Anyone like you can go to the military school? I am so powerful that I have not passed the face trial. Hey, are you giving gifts? Otherwise, how can you let them go?” ?”

“Who are you looking for? Can you introduce it? How much do you give me, I will double it, can I get into your military school?”

The plain-looking Ye Jian looked at the girl who was unsatisfied at the first sight. He pointed to his rucksack and asked calmly. “Classmate, do you know who moved my rucksack?”

“No, this IQ can also be tested in the military school. Do you still need to ask? Who else do you see in the bedroom? That is who moved. There is nothing inside, I thought I had a gun, I heard that Will target, will there be an accident when the bullet hits someone? Have you tried it?”

La la la, I feel very hard in July! The update is going to go… Good night, baby, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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