Chapter 4595 is shivering

Huang Yawen in the corner of the sleepy bed has already scared the whole body to tremble.

She was scared, she was really scared, the eyes of the instructor in front of her eyes stared at her, and she swept her neck from time to time, as if she was thinking about… what should be used to cut her throat, as if she could die faster.

This feeling is too horrible, too shocking.

Out of people’s instinct for danger, Huang Yawen gave up resistance and cried: “Wrong and wrong… wrong should not turn your back to the instructor.”

Huang Yawen, who had a knife on his neck, trembled with aloud.

She is scared, and now she is really scared!

Ye Jane lightly, smiled coldly. “Good, your apology, I will accept it temporarily. Then, who do you need to apologize to?”

Take a step back and smother a little bit of blood and murder on the body. The space in the room is even full of oxygen, which makes Huang Yawen have the illusion of being alive and reviving.

“Give it… apologize to the logistics teacher.” She gasped with a big mouth and her voice still trembled.

Ye Jane sideways, let the debut so that Huang Yawen walked over to apologize to the logistics teacher Lu.

Huang Yawen, who was tightened all over the body, tried several times before he could stand up and walk out, and he walked a lot from Ye Jian.

“Teacher, sorry, I was wrong…”

Since Ye Jian forced Huang Yawen step by step into the corner of the bed, the town did not dare to move when she moved. Lu teacher stunned and couldn’t believe what he saw and completely stopped.

Huang Yawen came over and apologized and made Lu feel incredible.

It is no wonder that military training, if there is such an effect, military training does not know how much to save the school teacher!

In the face of an apology, Lu’s anger was not completely disappeared. Teacher Lu first saw Ye Jian’s eyes. She accepted the smile from the military training instructor and turned to Huang Yawen again. The voice was quite cold and cold: “I know that I am wrong.” it is good!”

“You can dare to turn over the baggage of the instructor, and what do you dare to do? This is the school, not your home, you can’t be alone! The rules should be observed!”

“Huang Yawen, the teacher will forgive you once this time, absolutely no next time! Hear no!”

Teacher Lu’s criticism is not painful or irritating to Huang Yawen, and the answer in the nose is “Hm”, which makes Ye Jian speak again. “Huang Yawen, did you hear it?”

During the conversation, Ye Jian came to stand by her side, and the line of sight swept away from her neck again, so that Huang Yawen was tight, and the biting muscles trembled and answered. “Hear, teacher, I must not… There won’t be next time. Not once next time.”

It’s more honest than the coping style of “Hm”, and Lu’s face is slightly better.

In the corridor, the guides rushed to run, and received a call from Lu. The guides ran all the way, and then ran up to the fourth floor. The guides ran to the lungs and blew up.

Panting into the 405 room, but learned that Huang Yawen has apologized to the leaf instructor and Lu teacher, the leaf instructor is now packing up the baggage that Huang Yawen turned out, ready to leave the bedroom.

Some of the guides can’t believe it, Huang Yawen would apologize?

Yesterday, today, like this, a pair of deaths do not admit mistakes, insisting that they are very reasonable, mistakes are all other people’s wrong attitude can let her see, now Lu teacher actually … actually said she apologized to admit mistakes?

“Is it wrong? Really recognized? Teacher Lu, did you hear her admit it?” The gasping pilot repeatedly asked questions to express her unbelief.

I saw it after 12 o’clock…

(End of this chapter)

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