Chapter 4603 馊 Idea

Boys can’t help, girls don’t even have to say, as for thinking about ways… What do you think? All new students are the same, no one is special, what do you think?

“I thought the military training would be fun. It’s only an hour and a half. I don’t want to play. I don’t want to play at all. I want to blow a fan. I want to eat popsicles. I want to play games. I want to lie on the bed…”

“I also think, really **** tired! Kicking forward to kick me now, my calves are trembled, I will turn left, I will turn right, I will turn back later, and I will be dizzy.”

“The other is okay, the main is too hot, the heat can’t stand it. I feel like I have a heatstroke.”

“There are still nine and a half days, brothers, the Long March has just begun!”

In the front, Ye Jian pointed out the inconsistency between Wang Haibo’s hands and feet. The rest of the military training freshmen were divided into several waves and sat in the shade of the trees.

The tired boy said that he had no other thoughts.

There are also a few boys with more ideas and ideas. They don’t know what to say, they talk about excitement and grind their hands.

“A person writes boringly, and has several people to write together, and then hand it over to the instructor. When it is time… Hey, maybe it can be done. Brothers, we don’t ask for much, as long as we succeed in the top, one person has to go to heaven!”

“There is no good or bad, I am afraid that one can not be in the position. Need to find the most handsome talent in the class, long-sighted, handsome, and girls like it.”

“Yes, yes, you have to look good, you can be handsome, you can’t win by number. Just a few of us, brothers, I am not hitting us, come and come, let us appreciate each other for three minutes, see if we can appreciate Let the other person’s “beauty”.”


It takes three minutes and thirty seconds is very long.

A couple of guys who want to make good use of the instructors and give their own benefits are silently taking back their sights. In fact, they can’t stand it.

“It seems that I have to ask for a handsome man. I think our instructors will definitely like to be handsome. Let the handsome players, even if the instructors do not accept it, it is estimated that we will let us know in the handsome.”

“I want to go and write a love letter to express the instructor is not feasible. Speaking of handsome, you look at other instructors, especially the instructor who was shocked by the girl as a heavenly man, handsome enough! The military school Yang Sheng Yin, our instructor is the school flower level Are there too few handsome guys in the piles of military schools? There are more! I am afraid that we can’t achieve the effect we want.”

“What should I do? This is not the case, it is not a success. It is difficult for us to get tired like a cow every day.”

“There is no way…”

The boy who had made up his mind had not said the way. The girl who was next to the face was so ugly that he couldn’t resist it. He turned to face them. “You can’t bully her because the instructor is a female instructor!”

Being caught by the girls on the spot, a few boys had some embarrassed faces, and they silently did not continue.

“We didn’t think about bullying the instructor, don’t think about it.”

“Oh, I am thinking about it? What did you say about writing, confession, superior… Isn’t this a bully?” The girl was the local girl from Xiangcheng who was beaten with Huang Yawen yesterday, Ye Jian and her bedroom, heard. The later the boy said that the more difficult it was to listen, and she couldn’t bear it before she turned around.

The boys who defended themselves did not expect that they were all heard by the girl. They were embarrassed at a time and could not say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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