Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4605 - Hero, relying on you

Chapter 4605, Hero, depends on you

The voice was very loud, and the instructors who were as big as the next-door training heard it. The instructors who heard the words were soaked in their mouths. It was really a newborn calf.

The challenge is that even they can’t win, Jane, hey, I don’t know who is fearless.

The instructors who heard it silently prayed to the boys who had written to Ye Jian.

And Ye Jian, of course, is pleased to contact, and smiles and smiles: “If I win, do you need to express?”

“Betting needs fairness, and requirements need to be fair. It is better to do this. You ask me to loosen it for you. Yes, as long as I win, I can loosen it. Similarly, if I win, you have to follow my rules for military training. how is it?”

“No, I have to ask if you all agree?”

“Ha ha ha, agree! agree!”

“Instructor, we agree!”

Ye Jian smiled, children, you are too tender, tender to bully you are a little guilty. However, you are so enthusiastic to invite, then… respectful is worse than death.

“Okay, that’s it.” The smiling leaf smashed the eyes of Qiu Shui, and swept away from the bottom of the eye.

“Good! Good! Just say so! Do you want to hit a palm, instructor.”

“Clap, high-five, high-five, the instructor is not allowed to go back.”

The “children” who dig their pits into the pits are happy, and they are happy to laugh, and they are happy to fix the iron plate.

There are also disagreements, such as… Huang Yawen, she does not agree.

And she also said aloud “disagree”, and as a result, annihilated in the mighty “agree”, no one heard her opposition.

Even if someone hears it, it is directly ignored.

Even the three girls in the 405 bedroom were shouting in favor, and Zeng Can, who had warned the boys not to bully the instructors, shouted “agree”.

There were also many students in the class who didn’t dare to speak at first. In the end, they were affected by the atmosphere, and they saw that Ye Jian was not angry. They also laughed and shouted “Agree”.

Things are so happy… decided!

“Yes, Tao Yi, come up!” Ye Xiao of the smiling face signaled the boys to come up. “The national runner-up of Taekwondo, the gold content is really good, and it is good to learn from each other.”

Tao Yi, who came up, also gave Ye Jian a military ceremony. Then, smiled and said: “Instructor, when do we start to learn from each other? It should be late, or not now?”

In front of the boys, the eyebrows are full of self-confidence, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and good facial features. At first glance, they are boys with a sense of justice. Similarly, there are also arrogance of boys.

It is the age of youth that is right, it should be full of vigor and arrogance, sunshine, self-confidence, full of hope for the road ahead.

“Don’t worry, at night, cool at night.” Looking at the confident boy in front of his eyes, Ye Jian reached out and said, “Clap the card.”


The crisp applause came and the agreement between the instructor and the students was reached.

Tao Yi, who was back in the palm of his hand, was greeted by a hero. “Tao Yi, can we rely on you for military training, come on!”

“Brother, hero, rely on you!”

“Be sure to kneel down to the instructor tonight, can we be happy to be all-in with you! Look at you, brother.”

The excited boys are happy to meet the “heroes” who hope to be hopeful, and they absolutely believe that the “heroes” they choose will lead them to live a good life.

(End of this chapter)

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