Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4607 - Great effort (monthly ticket and support GO)

Chapter 4607 is a great effort (monthly ticket and aided GO)

At 12 o’clock in the afternoon, the sun was shining, even if the eucalyptus on both sides could not stop the power of the sun. The students who stood for fifteen minutes began to look a little faint, especially seeing the trains in the ranks. They passed by and they faced unprecedented challenges to their perseverance and endurance.

From the front row to the back, Ye Jian points out who and who’s name from time to time, reminding the other party to pay attention to the posture, and every time she is named, her classmates will make a sudden attack.

They really can’t understand why their instructors know everything when they are not recognized by their classmates.

There was a kind of panic that was fixed to nowhere to quietly stationed in the hearts of all the students, not dare to move, nor dare to be too arrogant.

“The back is straight, the head is raised, and the lower abdomen is closed.”

Ye Jian, who walked to the middle, reminded a boy with some hunchbacks to hold the shoulders of the boys and force them to expand outwards. The boy only felt that his shoulders suddenly had dull pain, and his expression was distorted.

“Expand the shoulders, don’t tighten them in. There is no manhood, and the second is detrimental to the image.”

Ye Jian knew that she had made some effort, but she didn’t expect that the force would make the boys hurt their faces, and they thought that they didn’t use much strength. How could they hurt? .

Forgot, they are all students, not real soldiers, and have limited endurance.

I apologize quickly. “Sorry, the strength is a little bigger. It’s okay.”


What can a boy say? He himself feels a little shameful. Where can he hurt if he expands his shoulder?

But he just hurts!

Standing in front of the boys, Huang Yali began to meditate in her heart. “I can’t see me, I can’t see me, I can’t see me.” She just wants to turn herself into a transparent person, and she doesn’t want to be stared at by the instructor at all.

The law of ink is more afraid of what will come.

“The standing position is good, the bottom plate is also very stable, and the back is straight and perfect.”

Later, the voice that made her most afraid, followed closely, the back was lightly photographed by one hand, and her heart was panicked. Huang Yawen, who was tight in her body, was “patted” by Ye Jian to go straight ahead.

Huang Ywen, one meter and seventy-two, was tall and strong. The girl standing in front was a girl. She planted it on her back and planted it on the back of the girl. She only heard the girl screaming, and the whole person was hit by Huang Yawen. Fly out.


Like the domino effect, I hit a girl in front of me and slammed it.

Ye Jian: “…”

Swear to the sky!

She didn’t really work hard, she patted the back of the student lightly, reminding her back that she was straight, how to send people out and shoot, and caused a chain reaction, so that two girls were planted in an instant.

“I’m sorry, sorry, instructor, I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it!” Huang Yawen cried. “I was scared. I didn’t expect you to shoot me back. Sorry the instructor, I didn’t mean it.” “”

The frightened Huang Yawen did not dare to help the girls who were hit by them. The students who didn’t know what happened around them quickly picked up the two girls who had been knocked down and worried about whether there was anything like that.

Seeing Huang Yawen’s face is scared, Ye Jian is a bit embarrassed.

Last night… she seemed to scare the female tyrant so much that she was shocked when she moved a little now.

“I know, you return to the team, stand up!” Ye Jian, who looked serious, comforted the frightened Huang Yawen. He was quite guilty and rushed to ask about the situation of the other two girls who fell.

There is no problem, that is, standing for a long time, can not afford to eat.

Good night, little goblins, I have updated the wood in the early morning tonight, I have to sleep early tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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