Chapter 4609, Shantou Qing

Such a hegemonic student has changed from a tiger to a rat, and Ye Jian has never imagined it.

When I waited for dinner, Song Qiqiu, who was sitting opposite her, sighed: “The boys in your class have taken the lead. Now, several boys in our class are also clamoring to be singled out with me. The same is true, they are better than winning, I have to Let them relax.”

“How dare I accept, who knows what they are compared to me. So, I refused and let them take a good look at the results of the game tonight.”

One of the students who ate next to the room heard the words, almost let the rice into the trachea, and even beat the chest to slow down. “Ye Jian, who gave you the courage of the boy, challenge you, or singled out!”

They are afraid!

No, even their instructors are afraid!

The instructor did not dare to do things, a Shantou Qing actually dare!

Bold fat!

Ye Jian raised his eyebrows and was very interested: “The national runner-up of Taekwondo, I have not compared with the runner-up in the regular game, and I have been an entertainment project after the military training.”

So, is it so courageous?

“It seems that they are not temporary revitalization, I am afraid that there is a long-term plan. After seeing the military training, I have added additional conditions. The boys who are playing are afraid of having the thoughts of the students and the instructors, and now they have two goals. Why not? “Song Zhiqiu said and said, he laughed lowly. “So such a lively thing, I have to take the students around to watch.”

“Come on us. Let’s watch the crowd and kill them.” Another student echoed and there was a hint of excitement.

The national runner-up of Taekwondo’s national runner-up is the first to be expected.

Ye Jian is also due to the identity of Tao Yi, so he should fight, in addition to the “fighting” should be replaced, replaced by other battles … then she did not dare.

In the new life, there are hidden dragons and tigers. There are no shortage of 18 martial arts. Who dares to fight with them?

After thinking about it, Ye Jian quickly told other students’ instructors: “The chief instructor reminds us that don’t be motivated by the students, the challenge can be, but we can’t use the military training as a bargaining chip. I will report to the chief instructor. Estimated… will be criticized.”

“That is natural, rest assured.”

“New students are not good to deal with. There are a few girls in our class who are thieves. I get away from them when I take a break. I just dare to sit with the boys. I still fight, I am desperate.”

When it comes to the freshmen who bring their classes, the topic is endless.

The freshmen think that the instructors are too embarrassed, and the instructors don’t think that the new students are difficult to train, and they are replaced by training in the military academy. Whoever dares to hang up?

The instructors chatted about the new students, and the freshmen also talked about the instructors. Everyone had a lot to say.

The boy who was in the class of Ye Jian returned to the bedroom and went to bed to sleep. In the bedroom to discuss the game tonight, he wanted to remind Tao Yi not to be too confident, and he often swallowed it.

The boys in the dormitory said that the heat would seem to win tonight, and he rushed in to pour cold water… Well, why bother?

I didn’t say anything about it, but Huang Yawen, who was not talking, said it was loud, and she was shocked that several elated girls thought she wanted to beat people again.

It’s not dare to beat someone Huang Yawen. Who knows when the leaf instructor who lives together will come back!

She is very reluctant!

But these girls are embarrassed, endless to say, and she is really annoyed when she says that she is not very vocal. “Can you not think so beautiful? It is said that Tao Yi seems to have won. Tao Yi Taekwondo runner-up, me, my province’s Sanda champion, you look at what I am now facing the leaf instructor? The mouse saw the cat, the gallbladder!”

I saw you at night, I saw you at night.

(End of this chapter)

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