Chapter 4611 Anecdote

Compared with a sweaty student, Ye Jian has to be much dry. She does not have training when she sits cross-legged. She smiles and shows no teacher.

When she thought about it, she smiled and replied, “I train every day and I will take classes every day. But we will be more inclined to physical training, and we will have training sooner or later. Like you, but the difficulty is much bigger than you.”

“No… I have to go to class and train. Do you have time?”

“Yes, so our time is all about learning and training. It doesn’t exist on Saturdays and Sundays. It will also take time in the evening. Time is there, but it is quite nervous.”

Knowing that they are curious, Ye Jian does not hide and squat, and they all answer seriously.

Now the military reform, in order to improve the quality of the entire army began to promote college students enlisted, these military training instructors can not only be as simple as military training, but also let more college students understand the troops and encourage them to join the army.

Military training is a national defense education, that is, it can cultivate students’ national defense concepts, and they hope that they can join the army and serve the motherland.

Now the boys are very interested in the military academy and the troops. Ye Jian will certainly inform them one by one.

As I said, the instructor who was in charge of the other two classes came to Ye Jian, and the two explained that they had not yet nodded. The classmates in the class had already applauded.

“Instructor, come one, instructor, come one!”

“Come one, come one!”

“Come one, come one!”

It turns out that the boys in these two classes have expressed their opinions. I hope they can see how the instructors stand upright and take a break. How do they walk and walk, they want to take a look and hope that the instructors can meet their requirements.

These are all small demands, and the chief instructor, like the requirements of the propaganda force, can all be answered.

Hey, the two instructors found Ye Jian.

After fifteen minutes of rest, only three minutes passed. Ye Jian did not refuse. He smiled and said: “It is better to be together. Ten minutes, just!”

“Good! Together, together!!”


As the tide of the palm of the hand rang, Ye Jian sounded up, and the hand lifted lightly and made a gesture of pressing down. The classmates who had just rejoiced just collected their hands and received the sound.

“First gather, a plate of sand is not the same.”

When she finished, the whistle blew his mouth, and the forty-three students who had become muddy all stood up like a chicken, and then the general instructor who heard the news immediately ordered other instructors to gather good students. Beginning as a “military exercise” for instructors.

During the military training, students want to see how the instructors train, and every military training will appear. Therefore, the chief instructor is not surprised at all. Every year, he will meet, and he will not be surprised, so he will wait for the moment.

“All have!”

With the general instructor’s password issued, the students saw the instructor who was standing in front of the class and disappeared and went all the way to the meeting point.

It’s fast and fierce, and it’s not yet starting to burst into applause.

Thirty-six instructors completed the collection in one minute, and the chief instructor stood in front of him. His eyes were like a torch, and his voice came, “righteous, take a break!”

The two sets of passwords were issued, and the trained students saw a fascinated instructor as a person who became a person. When standing upright, the voice was unified and the movements were unified. When you were a little bit, you might hear the pants cut through the air, and you screamed again and again. Uniform completion, no one instructor’s footsteps are slow or slow.

The two sets of passwords were issued, and the onlookers of the trained freshmen have been shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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