Chapter 4617 stops and stops

There are still a lot of students in the field, especially those who have bowed their heads and talked about the gap, and their attention is not on the court. They suddenly feel a little quiet and unclear, so they look up and look at it, and then they are very embarrassed.

“Why didn’t you start the man and fell? Is your foot slippery?”

The students who had a bad time asked the classmates with a funny smile, and they exchanged their eyes with the students. “What slips and falls, you didn’t look at it?”

“I didn’t see it, it didn’t warm up.”

“It’s still warming up, the first round is over.”

“Ah! End! I haven’t seen it!”

The classmates who didn’t look surprised and changed their eyes to the classmates. They couldn’t see who could blame them. Blame yourself.

The classmates I saw were no better than the classmates who didn’t see them. They were surprised, dumbfounded, and stunned… In short, they didn’t believe it. I don’t believe that I saw it. I don’t believe that I haven’t started the first round yet. I don’t believe that the national runner-up of Taekwondo has been stumbled by the instructor. It is only five seconds before and after!

Going crazy!

Going crazy!

Just five seconds before and after, their instructors gave Tao Yi a trip!

The students of the surveying and mapping project are more than any class student, and it is difficult to accept what they see. Ah, ah, it must be that Tao Yi is not ready!

It must be!

Otherwise, how can I lose so soon!

“Tao Yi, come on! Tao Yi cheers! You are the best!”

“Tao Yi, good brother! You are the best!”

“Tao Yi, Tao Yi, come on!”

The boy who first responded shouted loudly again, brother, you have to withstand it! You are the hope that our class military training can be lazy!

Be sure to withstand it!

The boys shouted, and the girls shouted together, so that the face of Tao Yi who fell to the blush was not so embarrassed.

Just now, he really… don’t know how he was stumbled by the instructor.

I lifted my foot and swept it out, and then their instructor clenched the ankle of the leg he swept out with one hand, and then he smashed!

Seconds down!

Ye Jian pulled down the boy from the ground and smiled: “Tao Yi, this is a game, you need to take out the attitude of the competition, don’t care, understand?”

“Instructor…” Tao Yi jumped up with his hand and made a handsome move in front of his forehead. He took a step back and quickly walked out of the shackles and calmed down: “Lead instructor, be careful It is.”

In the end, it was the players who passed the contest and found that they were not flustered, but they were calm and ready to meet the next round of discussions.

It was just that he deliberately underestimated the enemy, thinking that he could easily lay down the instructor, but he did not expect…

In the dark, Tao Yi, who was slightly sunk, bitten and bitten the gang, he had to find the scene back, but he could not lose the face of the instructor.

I saw a smile in the eyes of Ye Jian who saw his face, and calmly replied, “I have been very careful.”

His eyes have been slightly swept over the right leg that Tao Yi has extended. He smiled slightly and swept a little from the corner of his eye.

In the first round, Tao Yi cares, she wins in seconds.

At the beginning, Tao Yi will not be like the first round. From his eyes, he can see that as a runner-up of Taekwondo, he will not allow himself to lose too much.

The general instructor whistled and announced loudly that the first round Ye Jian won.

The thunderous applause sounded again, and the instructors who were about to become seniors could not help but stay away from the class they were responsible for.

Too warm, enthusiasm to let them all stop.

(End of this chapter)

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