Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4642 - Come on, kill it.

Chapter 4642, come on, kill it.

The leaders of the reviewing desk clamored for a low-pitched exchange. The political commissar of the Yue Committee wanted to be modest, but thought of the head of the armed forces in the armed forces. The political commissar of the Yue thought that there was no need to be modest.

Laughing: “Small leaf is the best student in our school. Don’t look at it as a girl. The overall quality is better than many male students. This is also the first time she has taken the training outside the school. The class response is said to be very good. The students are very convinced. ”

“It’s very good. It’s clear from the students’ squares that there is indeed a level.”

“It’s important for students to convince her that some instructors and students have no way to get along.”

“There is no patience to the instructor who has the right temper.”


The low voice made the head of Pang secretly stunned the political commissar of the Yue political commissar, in exchange for the Yue political commissar smiled slightly, Pang heads pressed his mouth and regretted letting his political commissar travel!

I knew that he should bring the old chapter!

The best thing to do in the mouth is to give it to the old chapter. However, he is a rough man, but he really said that Lao Yue!

The head of Pang smeared his teeth in secret, and did not slap the political commissar in his group.

The political commissar of Yue, who pulled back a game, picked up a bottle of mineral water that was heated by the sun, and unscrewed the lid, and the sun was bigger. This mood was also refreshing.

More than 4,000 students have to wait for a certain period of time. From 8:30 to 11:30, the North Campus and the student team of the headquarters are completed. At this time, the sun is too dizzy and the surface is hot. Teng Teng, roast until everyone is sweaty.

After the student’s Founder’s team finished, it was the turn of the instructors to press the finals. The 96 instructors stood at the Founder’s venue, which was vacant under the reviewing desk. The students who were hot to the corners of their eyes were instantly excited and opened their necks. Big eyes, look forward to wonderful.

Ninety-six instructors completed the entire team in their respective teams. With a loud drink, only 72 instructors were quickly listed. The remaining 24 instructors stood in line and left the venue to the instructors.

To say that it is a big contest, in fact, it is a freehand fighting, not the all-powerful competition in the army.

Freehand fighting is the confrontation between the two instructors, early exercise? does not exist!

Under your mercy? impossible!

It doesn’t exist, it’s impossible, then it’s really playing!

“Some nervous, a little nervous, you said that our instructors will not lose!”

“I don’t know, I shouldn’t lose it!”

“Is it really playing? Or is it fake? It shouldn’t be really played. If the other party loses, isn’t it a shame?”

“Do you know if he is playing or not?”

“The female instructor also played, not a success!”

More than 4,000 students began to sneak up and discuss in a secret way. They all had little voice, but the bees gathered together like a “squeaky” sound, all of whom wished to win their own teaching skills, all of which gave themselves The instructor cheers.

I don’t know who suddenly shouted “the instructor cheers.” In an instant, the audience was “instructor, come on,” and there was a direct call out of the instructor of a certain class to cheer.

The big contest between the instructors has not yet begun, and the venue is very lively. The cheers and cheers make the instructors laugh and grin.

On the review platform, the head of Pang leaned slightly and smiled at the political commissar of Yue: “If you lose, you can go back and don’t criticize them. After all, it is a group of students, and you can’t compare with the veterans below me.”

“When they graduated out of the army and followed the veterans for a year or two, it was almost the same.”

(End of this chapter)

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