Chapter 4662

The responsibility she shoulders is too great. She faces many dangers at the same time. She also needs to find out where the missing girl has gone. The new drug chain trading points, the traders, the trading time… According to the report, only the foreign exchange newspapers, they can quickly eliminate this poison chain to control the girl drug trafficking.

As long as the whole process is a single person, once the identity is exposed, you have to find a way to leave yourself. As for whether there is support… Need to see if there is an undercover that is sent to investigate in the place where she entered.

Captain Deng almost said all the dangers faced by Ye Jianhui, and released a lot of horrifying photos, all of which were tragic photos of drug dealers who annihilated their conscience, in order to watch whether Ye Jian’s reaction was fearful or calm.

From the beginning until the end of the last tragic photo, Captain Deng did not see a trace of fear in the cadet sitting across from him. Her expression was nothing but dignity.

No fear, no panic, no frowning, and no idea what she was thinking.

“Small leaf, do you have any problems? If not, we will hurry and move on to the next step.” The last tragic photo was taken from the projection screen, and Captain Deng looked at his invisible cadet for a moment. The sound is a little lighter, and I seem to be afraid of disturbing Ye Jian.

Ye Jian took back the line of sight and her face was unchanged. She solemnly said: “No problem, please go to the next link.”

“Is there really no problem? These photos…” Suddenly, the Deng team raised his hand, and the original projection screen with no image appeared… the most tragic, there was no photo that was shown before.

In the photo, the drug dealer puts people into the water cage, only allowing the person’s head to reach the water surface, while the underwater… snakes, otters, piranhas are disturbed by electric waves, and they catch all the parts below the head.

What is even more shocking is that the photographer deliberately took the facial expression of the descendant, and the face of desperation before the death of the imprisoned face was swept away.

Ye Jian took a look and faintly took back the line of sight. Even more tragic photos she had seen in the Snowy Brigade, she had experienced it in a more tragic scene.

Therefore, Ye Jianzhen said: “You continue, these photos have no way to affect me.”

The photo… even the most critical year of the psychological quality was shocked by the air.

The nine vicious police officers who accompanied him looked at Ye Jian and brushed them to look at their heads. There were dark shadows in the eyes of nine pairs.

Head, there is a play! Grasp it!

Captain Deng’s line of sight has been keeping an eye on Ye Jian, and he stared tightly until he closed his eyes lightly, placing his left hand on the left hand side, about half an adult’s arm high. “This is all the information, photos, and slang. The entire topographic map of the Golden Triangle and the photos of the villages and villages returned by satellite, you only have three hours, you need to remember all the information within three hours. After three hours, we ask a few, and you answer.”

“They will leave nine of them. If you have any questions, you can immediately consult any of them.”

This evening, Ye Jian was sitting in the conference room in Chery City. He was accompanied by nine sophisticated police officers who accompanied the murder of the poisoning chain industry. At the same time, he also needed to write down a large number of suspicious persons and needed to identify the photos immediately. Who are the people… These all require high-intensity memory to be remembered in a short time.

La la la, good night, good night…

Because I want to participate in the annual meeting of Yunqi Academy, Qingyun, whose codeword is slow and slow, needs to be deposited, so… the update can only come in a small amount.

(End of this chapter)

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