Chapter 4667 is a group pet

Captain Deng and his colleagues did not think that both of them were optimistic, but the girls who had strong and strong hands even knew each other and gave up one to choose another, so that they all felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, in the anniversary year, Ye Jian and his two belong to the heart of the big class. They did not notice the embarrassment of the Deng team. The two of them gave the other party a warm embrace. There is no strange feeling, such as the reunion of many years old friends. ,very excited.

Ye Jian left Chery City tonight, although she has passed all the assessments of the anti-drug brigade, but Deng’s heart is still not at ease, for fear that Ye Jian will have any psychological burden. Now I see the relationship between the two girls is very good, simply let the two go Speak quietly.

And laughed at the anniversary year: “Xiao Zhou, you accompany Xiaoye, she arrived in Yunyun yesterday and has not rested until now, you accompany her, let her sleep for a while if necessary.”

It has already arrived at five o’clock in the evening of the next day, and it is time to rest. The little leaf brows who passed the examination will not be tired. The spirit of jealousy makes him feel that he is old and not as energetic as ever.

After a day and night, he now wants to lie back in the office.

In the anniversary year, I took the leaf Jane’s arm and smiled sweetly: “You can rest assured that the Deng team will give it to me. I will stay with her and let her sleep well.”

Ye Jian looked at the bruises on his face and had not dissipated. Especially the apple muscles on the left cheeks were bruised and swollen, and they were disfigured. It made her feel bad.

In the anniversary year, there was no such thing as Ye Jian. Although the fighting assessment was over, but he was also stunned by his nose and face. He couldn’t even speak loudly before, and his mouth was swollen as if he had a jujube. It was a little difficult to talk.

Will be raised for a few days, until today she dared to show her face, before a face was swollen to the point, she was embarrassed to show up.

Several anti-drug police officers who participated in the assessment later saw that they were still beautiful girls. After they were held up, they were very swollen, and they were very unwilling to take care of them to take care of them to reduce their sense of guilt.

They have no way, they can’t make it, and they feel that they can’t help the policewoman who has come to support them.

The anniversary of lying on the bed smiled and said: “Don’t look at them fierce, in fact, very cute. See me being smashed into pigs, all of them lined up to apologize to me, behind the Deng team appeared, see one.”

“Hey, the Deng team is short enough. I have been smashed by them. He has come to be a strong one, and I am afraid that I am a man.”

“I don’t poke. How can you blame them? Who is going to make a joke about life? Even if they play tricks, I am not happy.”

“I was sent to the team to support, but I didn’t want to play in the mountains. There is only one small life. How can I treat it casually?”

The anniversary year is a small talk, don’t look at her ability to fight, but in the team is also the only female police officer who follows the male special police to perform urban tasks, so it is quite favored in the team.

The situation is almost the same as Ye Jian, it is a group pet.

Cheerful, can say that people are smart, and very flattering, such a girl who does not like it.

Ye Jian likes it very tightly.

“I also asked for another application in the afternoon. The brother who gave me the meal came to tell me that the military sent a female soldier to come. If she had no accident, she would be her.”

“I didn’t think it was you. I felt a little regret at the time. I really want to try again. Now I see you, I am completely dead, compared with you, I am comparable.”

Anniversary young voice, lying on the same bed, Jane closed her eyes and listened quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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