Chapter 4669 is regarded as a confidant

When I answered the anniversary year, I suddenly got up and looked up. “Then you…”

Ye Jian did not let her go on, she raised her hand and patted her on the shoulder. “Don’t be excited, just lie down and listen to me.”

Ye Jian said in a sentence that he had a stomach in the anniversary year, but he still lie down and listen to Ye Jian.

“What’s the use of horror? If you are afraid, you won’t come. If you come, you won’t be afraid. Every year, do you see the “British Wall”?”

Yinglie Wall… The pupil of the anniversary was slightly tightened, and then he nodded slowly.

She saw it, and at first glance, she couldn’t move any more. The black and white photos were the most powerful resistance to the darkness. The predecessors of countless sacrifices used their lives to compete with the darkness to resist the dark invasion, even life. No, they will fight forever, and the spirit of never giving back will be passed down.

With inheritance, there will be inheritance, and the vicious police who are alive will sacrifice the inheritance of their predecessors.

“This is a long, endless journey that doesn’t even end. You and I are the same. When we set foot on this road, we are destined to fight all the way, and we will be brave and have no turning back.”

“I am also afraid, I am afraid that I will lose the team in the journey, I am afraid that I will lose the opportunity to fight with my comrades in the battle. I am afraid that I have not completely begun to disappear.”

“Every year, I have to be afraid. Only when I am afraid, I know that my life is precious. Only when I am afraid, I must know that I must come back alive. I don’t want to fall behind. I don’t want to have a photo to tell me one day.”

“I want to go on all the way, until I can’t shoot the gun, and then I don’t fight the enemy, I really go to the end of my life.”

The hand was held by another hand that was not soft and equally powerful, and Ye Jian returned to hold the hand that was gripped. Two hands that are significantly smaller than the man’s palm are so tightly held, and the fingers are slender and slender, but there are many forces that men can’t do.

The anniversary year is very similar to Ye Jian’s words. Yes, she is afraid of facing danger. As Ye Jian said, she is even more afraid of… she’s left behind in the middle of the road, and she can’t go all the way with her comrades and face any society. The darkness of peace.

She will always remember the first day of entering the police school and the same oath on the first day of the special police brigade.

I swear: I am willing to become the People’s Police of the Chinese People’s Republic of China, dedicated to the lofty people’s public security, resolutely loyal to the party, serve the people, enforce justice, and be disciplined, and be determined to do socialism with Chinese characteristics. Builders and defenders strive to maintain the stability of the overall situation of the society, promote social fairness and justice, and ensure the people live and work in peace and contentment!

Although Ann was sent by the DPRK, the Dongshan Zhizhi was not stunned… She was determined, her goal and direction had already been decided, and the journey was still going on. How could she fall behind?

The two thick quilts are tightly held together by two slender hands. They have a common language, have a common goal, and have a common unswerving direction. Only when they can meet twice can they lie down without a sense of distance. Bed.

Ye Jianxiao looked at the girl who looked solemn, the sound of calmness was calm and terrible, and slowly continued. “I am afraid that it is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it is a good thing. Think about it, because we are afraid, so we Don’t go astray, don’t lose yourself, lose your way.”

(End of this chapter)

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