Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4674 - Suffering trouble

Chapter 4674 is too troublesome

In the quiet box, there is only the voice of Ms. Xiao, and Xia Jinyuan’s self-contained drink has never been reassured by her words.

As for looking for a girlfriend, oh, I don’t need Ms. Xiao to worry.

“Mother’s most uneasy is that you are tired of yourself in the army. If you take care of your mother, you will be relieved. I have to find a time for you to talk to my dad, let the old lady pay attention, the old lady will look at people.”

“If the old lady doesn’t have a good girl around her, mother… Mom introduces you well? Mom knows a few girls who are very quiet, when… I will show you? Okay?”

When I talked about it, Xia Jinyuan really wanted to laugh. He laughed too, and it was cool. It was all cold. “Mr. Xiao, you worry too much. You are really just a stranger in my eyes. You said, will I accept a stranger inexplicably?”

“Sorry, I doubt that you have a bad purpose. This meal, I still think it is, you slowly eat, lost.”

After saying that, Xia Jinyuan got up and pulled the chair. He really didn’t want to accompany this lady Xiao, and even if he couldn’t stand it for half an hour.

Because, he really did not understand what the face of Ms. Xiao had in front of him to interfere in his marriage.

Ms. Xiao, who was hit by him, was hit hard, and her face was so painful that she stood up and her emotions began to excite. “Ayuan, you said this is in the heart of your mother! How can you hurt?” Mom, Ayuan, you still haven’t forgiven your mother, still hate your mother, right?”

“You tell my mother, what should I do to get your forgiveness? Can you forgive my mother and accept my mother? Mom knows it wrong, he did stupid things when he was young, and owed you. Can you give mom a chance to change? ?”

Xia Jinyuan, who was on the way to the road, looked a bit cold, but she also resisted until she finished saying: “I thought it was very clear last time. Ms. Xiao really didn’t understand? Or did she not understand?”


The sound is like a tear, and the room is full of sadness.

What did you say last time? Last time, he said, please don’t bother him. He doesn’t need the care of a stranger. He doesn’t need it anymore.

“Ayuan, I am your mother. Mom gave birth to you in October, you are the meat that fell from me, how can it be a stranger?”

“Mom really knows what is wrong, tell me, tell me what to do to get your forgiveness? Tell me, okay?”

Ms. Xiao, who had been left out for her husband’s work in the past, left her young son for love. Now, after half-life has passed, I will look back and discover the mistakes I made when I was young. I want to make up for the broken mother and child, only to find out… It’s too hard and too difficult.

It is difficult for her to struggle, it is difficult for her to know how to make up.

“Mom is really wrong, my mother really knows it wrong, Ayuan, you forgive my mother, my mother really knows it wrong.” In the box, Ms. Xiao cried as she chopped, she really knew Wrong, but why… Why is it so difficult to be forgiven?

That is her son, not her enemy!

Why are you so cruel to her? why.

Xia Jinyuan was circling from the other side. Ms. Xiao wanted to stop again. Xia Jinyuan, who was swelled by the forehead, took a deep breath and slowly spit out a sigh of relief. “Ms. Xiao, I promise you to come out to dinner tonight is not to hear you. These words, I just want to tell you, please don’t bother me again, okay?”

(End of this chapter)

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