Chapter 4680 is a statement

She was cold and mentioned that Li Lannian had a young, cold face flashing in her mind for the anniversary. The cold star-like black scorpion and the mountain-like calm back, obviously only seen once, but the memory was so vivid as yesterday.

The corner of the mouth rises and reveals a smile like a glow. “Well, I am waiting for you to come back to me.”

“A word is fixed.”

“A word is fixed.”

Two like-minded girls slap a contract, look at each other, like a long-time old friend, I know you, you know me, no need to say more.

Captain Deng personally sent Ye Jian to the car, and the anniversary year was inconvenient to send.

Passing through the corridor around the drug dog training ground, Captain Deng repeated again and again. “Remember to protect yourself first. You must not be forced to do anything, and you should not be light-hearted and take care of those drug dealers.”

“They have been on the border for many years, and they have been fighting with the vicious police in various countries. Their abilities are sometimes not as ordinary as you can see. Never underestimate them. Even if you are a child, your inadvertent exposure will be fatal.”

“Don’t trust anyone easily. Don’t walk around before the foundation is done. It’s a group of drug dealers who would rather kill a thousand and never let go of one person. They won’t listen to any explanations and will only be cruelly resolved according to their methods. ”

“Do more things, talk less, and protect yourself as the first priority! Do not understand.”

How long the corridors have been said by the captain of Deng, how long it is, all of them are embarrassing, and some even repeat it over and over again until they reach the door.

The ones who came to pick up Ye Jian were the plainclothes policemen in the two frequent activity markets. They first greeted the Deng team and then introduced themselves to Ye Jian.

After Deng introduced them, they indulged two plainclothes policemen: “Before the leaves have not left, her safety is handed over to both of you, and we must protect her!”

“Do not worry, head, we know.”

The push-pull door “squeaked” and pushed open. One of the plainclothes policemen asked Ye Jian to get on the bus. Ye Jian, who was standing in front of the car and preparing to step on the bus, took back the right leg and turned to look at Captain Deng. On the solemn military ceremony, “Deng team, wait for my good news.”

“Good!!” Deng’s captain, who returned to the military ceremony, nodded. “I believe that you must bring back good news safely.”

News and peace are indispensable.

However, the most missing of the high-risk tasks is peace.

After waiting for the car to drive out for a while, Ye Jian looked back at the car and saw that Captain Deng still stood still and kept silently watching her leave.

As the captain of the anti-drug brigade, the Deng team did not know how many comrades sent by him to go out to perform high-risk tasks. Every time he sent off, he was the worst and heaviest. He liked to see the comrades who sent away safely, the most I am willing to see… the comrades who are coming back will always close their eyes.

Even if he experienced so many lives and deaths, Captain Deng was afraid of the scene he was least willing to see.

“Small leaf, you are a special soldier, take out all the skills of the special forces, all the abilities, I believe you can return safely!”

The car that left the car disappeared in front of the eyes, and the Deng team, who wanted to blend in with the night, stood still until the wind smashed and brought a chill to slowly turn away.

Insomnia in the anniversary year, from two in the morning to the morning gathering, she did not fall asleep, and did not lay in bed, she has been sitting down until dawn.

She found the Deng team and decided to return to Beijing today. The Deng team did not stay strong. They have found the most suitable undercover and have sent them. If they want to leave early in the anniversary year, they can follow her.

(End of this chapter)

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