Chapter 4683

It was not until standing here that Ye Jian really understood the good intentions of Captain Deng and why they were so harsh in the front to choose the undercover that they thought was the most suitable.

She only stood on the outermost periphery, only a little dark mountain village, she knew how big and how cold the iceberg was under the darkness.

In the small village, there are children running cheerfully. When someone sees them, their first reaction is not to avoid, but to make a “pistol” gesture in both hands, and to make a “squeaky” sound in the mouth of the three people entering the village. , simulation shootout.

These are games that belong to children, and adults are used to it.

A twenty-five-year-old man is not afraid of the naked upper body, only a local aristocratic horizontal apron around his waist, a large knot on his left waist, and walked barefoot.

After the child, he raised his hand and pushed the head of one of the children, using the local language: “The boy who has no interest, give you a real gun, do you dare to use it?”

“Give us a real gun, give us a real gun!”

A few children were turned around around the young man. One of them was directly holding his legs and was going to give them a real gun. The young man smiled a few feet and stumbled around his noisy child. The children were not crying and crawled. Two young men were thrown at the earth, and they all laughed and left.

Here, it belongs to the periphery of the Golden Triangle. The traffic is quite smooth and there are cars that can enter the mountain village. The mountain village is also the first village in the core area of ​​the Golden Triangle.

Although the leaf slips of the squatting car are tightly bowed, the corners of the eyes have been all around.

The young man walked up to the three people in the village. He looked at Ye Jian first and then looked at the two people who were walking away from Ye Jian: “New goods? What is it?”

“The Chinese side of the deep forest Laolin came out to work, was transferred to the province of Yunnan to sell to the abductor and their group, the results did not expect the Burmese police suddenly swayed, the bustling woman hurriedly fled with several goods, halfway through the Burmese police, All the goods were lost, and one of them went to our town.”

The daughter-in-law is responsible for the biggest gang of women trafficking in the borders of the three countries. The leader is the middle-aged woman who met Ye Jian on that day, and the person who is familiar with the market in Myanmar is called the “turning woman”.

“Is there a problem?” the young man asked again.

In exchange for one of them will speak the Chinese side, Qi Ye Jian on the car, the ancestors of the Chinese-born Myanmar man said: “Stare her for six days, check her for four days, clean, killing people can not be chased.”

They are now in the middle of the deep forest, and even if they are inaccessible, even if they encounter a white bone in the forest, they will not be surprised, and they will not go to the police to get into trouble.

Therefore, it will be said that the Chinese man will be so determined.

The other one would not speak the Chinese. The man who talked about the local language exchanges in Myanmar was not far from the wooden house. Some of them said a few words coldly. The young men who received the two men gave way and made the way to shut people down.

The car is driving on the road for four days, and all the food can be eaten. The two cars need to prepare the food for the next three days, and then fill the car, and reserve two barrels of fuel for the road before driving. go away.

Ye Jian, who has been been bent by the machete against the back, has been pushed twice. He will say that the Chinese side is no different from the middle hole. It is only the man of the nationality of Myanmar who once again swears, “Don’t give me a jump, Be careful with the knife in my hand. It will easily cut your head and give them a football kick.”

“Seeing no, just like the football they are playing now, is the human skull.”

(End of this chapter)

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