Chapter 4686 White Bone

The three men left, and the screams in the wooden door did not stop. When they walked far away, they could hear the new goods coming in and they slammed the door. They screamed, “I want to go out, I want to go out.”


Going out?

where to?

Back to China?

is it possible?

Forget it.

In the middle of the wooden house, Jane took a hot pain in both hands, and the locked wooden door did not open. The two men guarding the outside were crying by Ye Jian.

The child who was playing ran over and picked up the **** that had just been kicked, and heard the crying in the wooden house. A big child was holding a **** and dressed as an adult. He swayed with one hand and had a model. “Cry again, I will cut your head and cut you with a machete in my house!”

Just finished, the children around him have learned everything. It is not a big deal for them to hack and kill people. It is a very casual little thing.

The two Burmese men who were guarding kept drinking, and the children made a few faces to the two. The older children threw the hoes in their hands and the children slammed up and held them for a while. After a while kicking, the bones are sturdy, and the black-headed heads are just a toy for them.

Ye Jian in the wooden house listened to their laughter and his eyes were cold.

“Small leaves, don’t underestimate the children on their side, the children will also take you to kill the weapons to hurt you. Their growing environment tells them that killing is not a big deal, anyone who violates their interests can kill.”

“How the environment is, so adults and children treat each other equally.”

Adults and children… As a matter of fact, Ye Jian understands the embarrassment of Captain Deng.

The wildfire is not burning, the spring breeze is born again, and the best solution is only one – weeding the roots!

About a dozen minutes, Ye Jian seems to be tired, crying from high to low and then slowly stop, giving the outside guards an illusion that she is finally tired.

The sound of Ye Jian, who sounded crying and noisy, was still clear and watery. There was no tears in his eyes. The only thing that was uncomfortable was the eyes of the blind man who had been pulling up.

Dry and sturdy, the eyes of the scorpion, turned the leaves and gently walked slowly toward the bones.

The headless white bone reminds her of the head that was kicked and kicked by the child, and then she saw that it was too bad to see the original cloth color, but at a glance it was the white bone of the knee-length skirt. haze.

The girl of the deceased, the height of the eye is about 156 left, the color of the skirt is hard to see that there is a blossoming pink floral, and the bottom of the cloth should be plain, between white and gray.

The bare feet are only one foot with shoes, non-high heels, a pair of black cloth white canvas shoes, so dressing leaves Jane biased towards the deceased is a very young girl.

Very young girl…

Ye Jian, who came with the task, thought of more than a dozen young girls who were missing. The average age is 19, at least 16 years old, and the oldest is 21 years old. From the impoverished mountain villages, the girls who have lost their homes and lost their homes.

The anti-drug police and the criminal police responsible for the investigation of the case failed to provide all the information of the missing girl. They visited the home of the missing girl and the neighbors, and then painted a portrait of the missing girl according to the appearance of the parents.

They are all families who need to save money for a photo. The girls don’t have a photo of themselves.

Fortunately, the portrait of the criminal police is very powerful. According to the family description, the portraits are not 100% similar, at least as high as 85 percent.

(End of this chapter)

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