Chapter 4688 Going to the door

Put the pancakes in the leaves and smash them to the leaves of the leaves, and smash the leaves and fly them. Use a wok to burn the golden pancakes on both sides and smash them to the ground.

Ye Jane was hungry, cried and picked up the pancakes, and sat on the car leading to the mountain while eating.

The driver is still the driver, but the hat that has been worn on the head has been replaced with a cowboy hat. The front of the roll is so good that the line of sight is not affected. When getting on the bus, Ye Jian uses the light to sneak through the driver and see the driver. The front reveals a cyan scalp.

It was the hairpin cyan that grew out a few days after the hair was shaved. Before he changed his hat, she clearly saw a greasy black hair that had not been washed for a few days.

In the low room, Ye Jian quietly caught the doubtful color flashed in his eyes.

After two hours of menopause, the car started to drive to the depths of the mountains. The sky was dark in the evening, and the rolling hills became sleeping behemoths. They merged into the cold and cold night, and finally the mountains and the sky were connected. Like the mouth of Zhang Dazhao, waiting for the prey to cast a net.

The car went to the front of the mountain road, and the car did not stop and went forward. The rumbling motor sounded the birds resting at night and rushed to the black sky. The bird’s stunned pupils tightened.

There is no road, but a mountain road that completely hides the mountains and can avoid satellite shooting!

There are more than 3,000 large and small villages and towns in the Golden Triangle, and there are many deep valleys and rushing tributaries between the special geographical mountains. There are also deep valleys, and there is also a cliff overlooking the end. It is caused by such special terrain. A large number of traffic corners, the possibility that outsiders want to go in is “zero.”

The dead corner of the traffic not only makes the villagers in the living mountains unable to communicate with the outside world, but also allows the country to have limited management and in-depth control of the villages.

Complex terrain provides a natural refuge for countless drug dealers, and outsiders cannot enter, but people inside can go outside.

At this time, Ye Jian car drove into a hidden, all artificial excavation, only one car can pass, the side is a small hill road of the cliff.

As the mountain road bumped, passing through the cliff and driving through the river, the road was driving for six days, the car was bumped to the point that it was going to fall apart and finally reached a village with heavy guns.

The cottage is located at a high altitude, and the white misty village is more like an isolated monastic land. It is not like a cottage with a lot of poisonous goods.

Here, entered the core area of ​​the Golden Triangle.

The core area is not specific to a place, but refers to a large number of poisonous goods out of the sale.

The driver took the lead to get off the bus. He first went to the stupa in front of the cottage, and his hands were bent down and bowed.

Pulling the leaves of the Jianye collar and walking straight to the stupa, I loosened the collar of Ye Jian, and the same hands folded and bowed down.

The Burmese people win the Buddha, thus creating the phenomenon of “rich Buddha and poor people”, and the top of the stupa standing in front of the cottage is made of pure gold, because the age has long lost the golden luster of gold.

The two did not immediately enter the cottage, first greeted the gun whistle, stood outside and waited quietly.

I waited for half an hour and finally someone came out. What made Ye Jian feel surprised… It turned out to be a shaved head, a thin layer of green hair on the scalp, and a monk dressed in earthy yellow? !

(End of this chapter)

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