Chapter 4690 Mist

The mountain village with fire and light shone quietly, but did not hear any human voice. As the motor of the car turned off, the cottage returned to its former tranquility, and even the fire was extinguished. If there was looming fire, Ye Jian I almost thought that I was hungry and had an illusion.

Taking a deep breath, even if the stomach is close to the back, Ye Jian’s skill is not affected by it. A running leg slams into the wall, and then a leaping, slender body, her dexterity as a bird flying through the leaves. The arms are straight and the hands clench the fence of the only window.

With a pull-up posture, her arms made her through the window and finally saw the outside.

What was holding her was a utility room. The front of the utility room was extremely wide. The surrounding trees were all felled, and an open-air plaza was cut. The quiet vehicles in the mountains were parked in the square, and people were guarded behind the car.

Someone came down from the car. Even though the night was dark, Ye Jian still used the light from the torch to see who the people came from.

The first man who came down was not someone else. He was carrying her on the bus and said that he was fluent in the Chinese dialect.

The first to get off the co-pilot, he immediately opened the back door, a suit and a black leather shoes rubbed into the bright middle-aged man with a button on the blazer, and calmed down.

A fake monk wearing a khaki cockroach received the man, and the two guests were shaking hands. The fake monk made a “please” gesture, and the middle-aged man with a businessman’s Lingcheng temperament walked in the most natural place. front.

This is the habit of always walking in front, never stopping to wait for others, can be assigned to the “strong” category of successful men.

The men in the suit and the singer and the monk walked together in the forefront, and they walked and exchanged. From the position of Ye Jian, the two people were faintly visible in the fire.

Followed by the man in the suit, he waved his hand behind him. Several men, who were originally on the side of the car, were all in black suits, and immediately fulfilled their duties as a bodyguard.

Ye Jian’s eyes fell on one of the bodyguards. In the undercover photo provided by the Deng team… this bodyguard is one of them.

On the fourteenth day of the Golden Triangle, she finally saw a vicious policeman.

Finally, a young man wearing traditional Burmese costumes followed suit, and Ye Jian also knew that he had entered the first mountain village in Myanmar and had a coloring man.

A dozen people in a row swayed into the cottage, and then the illuminating torch was extinguished again, and the entire cottage was restored to calm again ten minutes before and after.

Ye Jane jumped back to the ground, rubbed his hungry stomach with one hand, and had to endure. For the ninth day, there should be a small bowl of water and a pancake.

As for those outside, the Deng team clearly told her that her task was not to focus on the drug dealers who entered the core area of ​​the Golden Triangle, but to thoroughly find out where the missing girl went, and how the new drug chain came from the Golden Triangle. village.

Although the Golden Triangle is a world-famous drug supply area, it is not one person to control the entire Golden Triangle poison chain. The local golden militants, local warlords, local drug lords and some village cottages are self-produced and supplied.

The mixed leaf Jane is not immediately able to figure out who is purposefully abducting to buy a young girl, and the young girl who has been transferred has gone there, but since she discovered that the bone is one of the missing girls, she was sent to the cottage. Controlled by a group of fake monks, she is faintly aware that the girl who lost her trafficking is likely to be discussed and managed by several parties.

(End of this chapter)

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