Chapter 4695 Civil strife

The sisters of the two sisters were scared. She sat on the ground and rubbed her legs. She did not forget to grab two big pancakes with both hands, while stuffing her mouth and stepping back.

She was afraid that her pancakes would be robbed.

My sister immediately took care of her sister and stepped back. She didn’t dare to join in, and she didn’t give birth to the idea of ​​taking away other people’s lively pancakes.

Ye Jian, who came from the task, will not give any chance to take a life of pancakes, and will not give birth to compassion, letting out the branding in his hand.

The two men rushed over, and the leaves under the cat were extremely flexible. The two sisters saw this, and the whole body couldn’t help but look back. At the same time, they clasped their hands and branded them with a look of horror.

Ye Jian’s circumvention allowed the girls who had been grabbed by one right and one left to smash each other, hitting their foreheads on the forehead, and rushing to make a dull bone collision on the spot.

The collision was awkward, and both of them fell to the ground, hitting Venus in front of them and bursting black.

At the same time, the pancakes in one of the girls’ pockets were knocked out, just falling on the legs of the skinny girl. The girl without the pancakes had never found out that the skinny girl had both eyes shining and picking up the pancakes, regardless of the front. Blackened and climbed into the corner, and swallowed a piece of cake for a while.

The girl without the cake found that her cake was not. She did not expect that the skinny girl had grabbed her cake and was still looking for it.

No one reminded her that the two sisters did not remind me, but they kept reminding them with their eyes and looked at the skinny girl who started eating the second cake. Even the girls who didn’t keep their pancakes were only looking for the place on the floor. To.

The two sisters didn’t want to get into trouble before they chose to shut up, and Ye Jian, a bit of pancakes, looked at the water with a cold mouth. The other party just wanted to grab her things, and still had a premeditated rush. Why should she sympathize with a criminal who is similar to murder?

It’s no wonder that the two of them talked together in the morning. I really didn’t guess wrong. It’s really a matter of negotiation, and I’m talking about grabbing her pancakes.

The pancakes are very cold and hard, but the leaves are clean and eaten. Even if the girl without the cake falls softly, Ye Jian does not have a little sympathy.

In the end, each of the two sisters left a small half of the pancakes for the girl who did not find the cake, and because of the excessive force, hungry to the eyes, like a girl who was mad at any time.

The skinny girl who got two cakes finally had a feeling of fullness. At the same time, Ye Jian saw her eyes tighten a little and seemed to be calculating.

Seeing this, Ye Jian’s mind flashed a very vague, rushing and fast-moving, and disappeared instantly. She seemed to have grasped something, and she could not think about it and disappeared.

The skinny girl licked her mouth and stalked toward Ye Jian. Ye Jane stared at her and slowly stepped back.

Before that, the strangeness that swept through the mind once again appeared. This time, Ye Jian grasped it tightly, and suddenly his heart turned into a sea, and his face changed.

What happened today… I’m afraid it’s the worst start!

It was quickly verified, and only four copies of the next delivery!

That is to say, there is definitely one that has not been eaten.

The girl who lost the cake last time has not waited for the person who is afraid of her to leave. She rushed to the first time and tried to take two copies.

This is a strong, and the same thin girl who wants to take two copies is not willing to lag behind. She first slammed into the first girl who rushed to grab the real thing, and said something in the Burmese language, the first fierce face grabbed two a pancake.

(End of this chapter)

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