Chapter 4703

Lina’s purpose is very simple. She will bring out the girls who have brought them out, use their youthful beauty to negotiate capital, and then recommend her to stay here, so as to increase the success of the cooperation.

However, this time the negotiations are unsuccessful.

I thought that this group of buyers from the underground in North America liked the little girl who sent her over here. As a result, there were two mature and heterogeneous, and the carefully-decorated pieces did not play any role. In the end, they gave themselves Lose it.

It seems that I have to find a few more married women who are full.

Out of the hotel, Lina’s cold Ling Ling’s line of sight will take Ye Jian up and down, and the corner of her mouth will show a cool smile. “Your luck is not bad.”

Ye Jian bowed his head and stood up. He didn’t talk or look at her, especially by Lina.

She left Lina to be obedient, well-behaved, researched, and will be very timid, and even if she doesn’t talk, Lina feels normal.

Seeing this, Lina, who was a little bit boring, glanced coldly, twisted her waist and stepped on the high heels to the front.

Ye Jane bites her lower lip, honestly, and keeps up.

If she doesn’t keep up, the bodyguards who are inseparable from behind will not be polite.

The business was not successful, Lina’s mood was not so beautiful, and even the car was angry, so that the two bodyguards did not dare to speak freely.

Ye Jian then got ready to get on the bus and immediately found out that the car was different… The driver changed, no longer the driver who came to the border, but a knife on his right face. There was a bullet inside the exposed arm. The depth of the wound.

The light-stricken Ye Jian just got on the bus, his hands only pulled the door, and the new driver suddenly opened his mouth and communicated in English. “The general asked you, is there any talk with two businessmen in North America?”

The leaves of the leaves bent over the car were slightly lowered.


Code or rank?

Suddenly, Ye Jian thought that they would come from the border of Myanmar. After the gang, the bodyguards put money to buy the way to pass the customs, and the heart was suddenly uncontrollable and sinking.

If the “driver” said the general to represent the rank of the general, and now the driver asked Lina whether there is any talk, is it… The umbrella behind Lina and the boss behind the scenes is a general of the Burmese military?

At this point, Ye Jian had a cold sweat on his back.

If so, the seriousness of the situation is imaginative!


Today, she must contact the Deng team, and there is no news for a whole four months. Will the Deng team think she was killed?

Ye Jian, who was thinking about it, has not yet settled completely, and a fierce wind suddenly blows.


The face was sturdy, and Lina’s slap in the face of Jane’s “Don’t dare” had any resistance, sitting down and covering her face, even if it hurts to tears in her eyes, she wouldn’t dare to ask a question.

“Please tell the general, Lina will be in the course of three days. Tonight, it is my mistake, I will bring it out without coaching, and I can give me a chance.”

In the previous second, Lina, who was in the handcuffs, became extremely cautious at this moment, and even her posture was lowered a lot. Obviously, she was afraid of the “general” in the driver’s mouth.

The slap in the face of the slap in the face, she is very clear that this slap is for Lina, for the black pot that did not talk about her business.

Lina needs to give the general a confession. She doesn’t want to be punished by the general. She can only launch a person to pick up all the consequences. The leaf in the car is the best choice.

(End of this chapter)

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