Chapter 4713 Beats

The pile of white bones in Houshan…that is to say, this woman named “Lina” does not know how many missing girls have been killed!

Also, falling into the hands of such a woman, can there be any good end?

If the female soldier sent out is not smart and clever, she knows that she is self-protected, only afraid that she has not heard her voice.

Ye Jiansheng, who was sitting in the car and smashed a few counts of the ear, was afraid that Lina would not look like a nod, and the face was burning and hurting. She didn’t dare to say that she was hurting. She didn’t even have the courage to speak. She understood and remembered.

When the phone vibrates, Lina takes a look at the phone and blinks in her eyes. She takes a few breaths to pick up the phone.

“General, I am Lina.”

General, General Miner!

At the same time, the spirit of Ye Jian was at the same time, and the police who were angry with the anger in the heart were also provoked. Is it true that Lina is going to see General Minley?

The eyes of the slightly confined leaves and even the breathing are slightly tight, and the eyes of the low-hanging curtains don’t trace to the side of Lina, and the ears are listening…

The sound insulation effect of the car is quite good. I can hear the voice of a middle-aged man who is accustomed to giving orders and has a very deterrent.

“Come as soon as possible, there are many things I need to ask you personally. Half an hour, half an hour did not arrive, I tried to solve myself.”

On the other side of the phone, General Miner, standing in the jungle, said lightly, without waiting for Lina to answer, he handed out the mobile phone still on the call.

It’s not someone who took the phone, it’s the driver who picked up Lina that day.

It is also an aide to General Miner, one of the most trusted subordinates.

When she was beaten with a chill, Lina heard that she couldn’t hold her mobile phone. She swallowed her eyes with difficulty, her voice was lowered and she was light, and her posture fell from the top to the mud. “General, I will definitely be ready to catch up.” I will never let you down.”

“Lina, the general has limited time, and I don’t like to waste time on useless people. You still have half an hour.”

The driver’s voice did not pull Lina back from hell, but more directly into the 18th Hell, so that Lina even red lips are faded, and her face is pale and pale, like lead paper.

She is very clear about the temper of General Miner, and she has never changed every decision and never said a nonsense. He wants her to solve herself, not to be scared, but to order.

“I understand, please tell the general, Lina will arrive on time. After all, Lina has never been to the generals, and she has never been late, and she has never violated any orders of the generals.”

Clearly afraid that the hands are shaking, Lina’s voice is still steady, listening to a very calm voice.

She knows that if she is panicked now, she will lose her half-hour life!

General means… no one is not afraid.

Hanging up the phone over there, Lina took a long time to take the phone away from her ear, not to take it away, but a sudden drop of the hand, like a cooked noodle, the soft palate did not have a little strength to slip .


The mobile phone fell off his hand, Ye Jian just bent over his mobile phone, fearing that the whole body shivered, Lina suddenly squirmed in a small car and picked up her hand and rushed over Ye Jian.

“Who made you move? I said you can move? Who told you to call me? I said let you call your cell phone?” She vented her fears to Ye Jian, and she tried hard to beat her fists. The left hand is even more stunned and picks up the leaves of the brain. The police who can monitor the virus can clearly hear the sound of the leaf and the cold air.

I arrived at home at 3 o’clock in the morning last night. I have been sleeping and sleeping today. I will recover my vitality and resume normal updates tomorrow. First of all, there will definitely be a 6,000-word update.

(End of this chapter)

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