Chapter 4723 Bloody Scene

“The fisherman in the district, even thinking about fighting with the generals, is really ridiculous! Hahaha, ridiculous, ridiculous! Hahaha!”

The **** wind is full of Lina’s laughter, constantly saying insults to others.

“Cut me! After the chopping, I will send it to the Kunge stockade!”

Ye Jian vomited to the eyes of the scorpion were burning hot, and the mouth licked out useful information, and then it was time for Lina to solve the living mouth.

After she hadn’t laughed too much, Lina laughed loudly. Her laughter was long gone, and her expression was screaming at the two people, angering. “They’re all broken! All knocked!”

What are they still doing? She has endured for a long time!

I don’t have to endure it now!

As someone lifted the stone and slammed into the mouths of the two live mouths, the sound of the painful screams could be heard in a circle of ten miles.

The stone smashes the human teeth, the lips are smashed, the chin is smashed, the teeth are broken, and the whole face is even more sloppy, and the bones are hidden.

The two shackles of the beggars did not immediately die, because all the positions were not fatal. One of them even came out with their eyes, and he did not immediately suffocate, and the throat was still snoring. .

The murderous side was unseen, and he saw nothing before. Ye Jian vomited to the brain and became congested, and his eyes were black.

For the first time, as a undercover deep into the tiger’s hole, Ye Jian saw the darkness of human nature and saw the cruelty of human nature. The first time I learned that the evil of human nature would be so bottomless.

You never know where the bottom line of human evil will be!

The more contacts, the deeper the anger in Ye Jian’s heart.

She is not afraid, only destroying, to destroy these evils of human nature, to destroy these darkness of humanity and the breeding of sin, even if it is to give life, it is not at all!

The Deng team did not make a mistake. They represent justice and represent the core of a society’s stability. Darkness is the goal of their lifelong battle, and it will never end without the end of life.

Finally, the two mouths full of teeth, including the big teeth all smashed, the sly people lost the red blood stone, Ye Jian even saw the fleshy tissue falling from the stone that fell out of the scorpion, fell into the grass…

Lina turned on the flashlight and used the light to blur the two flesh and blood. She had no facial features, and she showed no bones on her face. She was not afraid, but she looked carefully and confirmed that all the teeth were completely distracted.

“Yes, it’s beautiful, go back and have a prize.”

For the subordinates who were born and died, Lina is still quite generous. Otherwise, how can these people sell their lives?

The two unrecognizable chests were still slightly up and down. When Lina took the shovel from the car and shoveled the two hands to cover the two faces, the undulating chest finally calmed down.

The leaves that vomited to the bitter bile came out in a tight fist, Lina, Lina… Before leaving, she must hand her hand!

Never let a ferocious thing like a beast continue to live, continue to harm others!

Wu Jinkun’s person, she needs to find an opportunity to tell the Deng team what happened today to see if anyone who can lead Wu Jinkun enters the cottage and destroys Lina’s nest.

In this way, the police can sneak into the territory of the country without risking their lives, and they can kill Lina by the hand of Wu Jinkun.

The car was restarted. This time, Ye Jian did not have a car with Lina. She was dragged to the commercial vehicle and left behind the “human hell.”

(End of this chapter)

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