Chapter 4726, Hostility

The girl who was against Ye Jian was the Burmese. From that day and another girl could not take the pancake from Ye Jian, although she eventually got two pancakes, but since then she has a simple heart Being vigilant, I feel vaguely that the other party is the biggest threat to whether or not she can survive.

As it turns out, she didn’t think much.

Since they all released Liana’s training, she was always beaten by the girls who had been transferred from China. She thought that she was smart enough to get rid of the Chinese girls who were rarely punished by Lina’s sister, even if they used the means. No success at all.

All the means were finally seen by her. If they were not smart enough to clean up their tails, they would be guilty of themselves.

However, Ye Jiannian did not care much about being a fallen person in the world. It is not easy to come to her. In order to survive, she did not catch up even if she saw her little means.

Ye Jian has always known that the girl in the depression looks slim and small, but she can’t help but feel the wind. However, she has a lot of heart, otherwise she will not use her to break the fruit bowl.

The skinny girl thought that she could take the opportunity to let Lina abolish Ye Jian. I don’t know, everything is a leaf calculation, she intends to lead her.

When Lina finished, she raised her hand and dragged Ye Jian out. As if she was scared, Ye Jian also “slammed” and screamed. She shivered a word and dared not say more.

More to say, more, don’t say anything.

As the Chinese undercover from Wu Jinkun indicated that she had knocked over the fruit plate, she would do it.

Soon, the other party gently went to Wu Jinkun’s ear to say something. Wu Jinkun’s eyes were as small as a rat’s eye, and the eyes of the dark and clear eyes lifted their eyes. The cool and cool godlines swept the two girls, looking at Lina. “The bodyguard around me said that the fruit bowl was broken and the person who first smashed it deliberately pushed it. In my opinion, she scrapped her hands and said.”

Lina didn’t see it. She thought it was Ye Jian who was not careful. The result was pointed out by Wu Jinkun. The face that could not be hanged was only felt by Wu Jinkun to step on the ground and grind a few feet.

The eyes are sullen, and the teeth are lightly drinken. “The two are dragging down and smashing into the sun!”

The thin little girl who is interested in Ye Jian heard the words, and her eyes were afraid of turning straight and white, and she still wanted to say something. She thought of Lina as a person, her face was soft and soft.

Standing outside, wearing the Burmese national costumes, two men carrying rifles on their shoulders came in, the two people with cold expressions directly picked up the girl’s hair, and one person dragged one quickly and dragged them down.

“Oh ah… it hurts, it hurts…”

The hair was dragged away all the way, and the screams of the girls passed.

The bodyguard standing behind Wu Jinkun’s finger moved slightly, and lowered his eyes.

The whole scalp was dragged to the stripped leaf by both hands and hands, and the hands were pressed against his head, hurting into tears. She did not resist, let the other side drag, here, she was the first to get used to being dragged.

The skinny girl who had been hurting to scream was dragged for a while, but instead looked fiercely to Ye Jian.

She has a very deep hostility towards Ye Jian, even if she screams all the way and does not forget to swear words, “Don’t think that I was dragged out, you will be proud, it is you who broke the fruit plate. Lina said that she would scrap your hands, You wait!”

The hostility is so deep that it is so deep that Ye Jian has no mind to resolve.

(End of this chapter)

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