Chapter 4732 is not right

However, in a few seconds, Lina’s heart was ups and downs, and one counts and one counts came out in a row. When I thought about it, I couldn’t know how many people were about to die in her hands.

Ye Jian and Ma Min turned into the two most lucky people at the moment, because the fruit plate overturned Wu Jinkun’s heart dissatisfaction, and Lina took the opportunity to sell people’s feelings and Wu Jinkun was happy, and used two lives.

For them, human life is only an available, unusable tool in their hands. It is useful when it is used. It is handled directly when it is useless. It is never hesitant to make a knife.

Hong Yanyan like a red lips with a **** sigh, slightly inferior: “Turn down and close, wait for Kun to deal with.”

People, certainly can’t stay, but she needs two people to die more valuable.


The man with the back gun daggers and quickly quits the bamboo house.

Wu Jinkun played with the bamboo in his hand, and there was a glass of wine overflowing with the wine, and the little eyes of the rat’s beans flashed a playful smile.

It seems that the situation outside the stinky woman finally knows.

Min Lai, the old thing that is betrayal, knows ahead of time, and does not tell the stinky woman that she has been treated as a waste.

If it wasn’t for the stupid woman who sent him out and didn’t stay with the whole body, he might still keep her and see if he could turn against Miner’s dog.

It’s a pity that the stinky woman is beautiful, and he still has a little interest. However, she doesn’t leave a living path for herself. She thinks that the dog’s things can be settled in the core area of ​​the Golden Triangle. Oh, let her be tonight. Seeing if the dog thing will support her, without him, Wu Jinkun has a few thin faces, can you live in the Golden Triangle!

In addition to a black widow in the Golden Triangle, no woman can really stand up, and there are backers behind all.

The stinky woman also wants to learn the black widow, not self-reliant!

Squeeze all the spicy wine in the bamboo cup, and Wu Jinkun in the cup of the cup has a strong ink-like killing.

For the 30 brothers he died, Lina must die!

Cut her four feet, rub her waist, cut off her head and bring it back to the stockade to tell her brother who was born and died. He Wu Jinkun avenged the dead brothers!

Although Wu Jinkun is a drug lord, he is quite sympathetic and serious. Otherwise, he will not be able to make a comeback after defeating the army and become one of the golden scorpions.

Pretending that I didn’t know Wu Jinkun continued to talk about the business, although I arranged things, and Lina, who was always uneasy in her heart, began to sit uneasily. She thought about getting up and leaving, and worried that she would be discovered by Wu Jinkun and she had contact with General Minle. She is trying to get Wu Jinkun drunk.

The closed bamboo door was reopened, and Ye Jian saw the back gun man who had entered for three minutes and walked out again. Even if he was separated by a certain distance, he could see the anxiousness from him.

When the man looked at them in the direction of their squatting, and then told the people around them, two of the same back-back guns also looked up in their direction, and the daggers swaggered towards them. Come along.

Originated from the keenness of a special commander, Ye Jian’s heart suddenly tightened.

The lines of color rushed in. When they came out, they first glanced at them. They immediately told people to come and toss them away… The leaves of the heart were so tight that they had a moment of stagnation.

Something is wrong, something is wrong!

Very wrong!

No one will tell what will happen to the dead person. The two “people goods” are the goods in their eyes. Now that the goods become wastes that have no use value, they will be treated.

After the mountain has dug a hole 10 meters deep, it will fill half of it. It seems that I will fill two new ones tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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