Chapter 4745 is fast and fast

The sunken roof allowed everyone in the car to stun the cold hair and erect.

Have an ambush?

This is a Panshan Mountain Road that hides the stone cliffs and cliffs in the mountains. The mountain roads are not wide enough to accommodate only one jeep, and even ordinary trucks are not allowed.

The mountain road is on the side of the mountain, and the driver who drives is all the old drivers who are familiar with the mountain road. And the car skills are quite good enough to be able to open the Linya Mountain Road where the car will be destroyed.

Ye Jian jumped up from the tree, and the huge impact shocked the driver’s hand. The square plate of the driver slid down, and then he pulled back, and the body was shaken violently. Several people in the car were shocked by the driver. The other three took the gun to the roof for the first time…

But Ye Jian is faster than them.

I don’t know if there are any people in the back row. There are also a few people who have started to shoot and shoot directly from the first time after jumping off the car.

The vehicle in the front did not find the rear car, and the engine sounded over the mountain worms and continued to steadily drive out of the cottage.

Lina was sitting in the middle of the vehicle. Therefore, when the rear suddenly came a “squeaky” sound like a heavy object falling, she sat in the back seat of the car and turned her back to look at the car. The beautiful eyes of the pupils are tightened instantly!

Someone on the back of the car!

At the same time, the voice of the driver behind the car came from inside the car. “Someone is tight, you speed up!”

The gunshots have already sounded.

The driver clenched the steering wheel and sweated his forehead. He said: “Fast, shoot…” He hasn’t finished it yet, and the gunshots continue to “snap” countless sounds, let the driver back?? Rise up.

This shot is not right!

Instead of shooting out of the car, but…but…but shooting from outside the car!

The driver began to panic, and his hands clasping the steering wheel were shaking slightly.

He had to open the car and confirm that there was no one behind him to win the time for Lina.

“How many people!” Lina asked.

“I found one person for the time being!” The driver replied immediately, and the voice shook a little.

Just finished saying that he suddenly smelled a lot of blood in the car, and the forehead bean sweat flowed over the eyebrows, immersed in the eyelashes, hidden in the eyes, the driver holding the steering wheel gritted his teeth and began to do his best in the narrow road. Take the jeep out of the “S” line.

He tried to kneel down the person still on the roof.

A person……

Lina, who got a reply, didn’t know that the bodyguard of her own car had been solved, and the driver’s answer made her feel calm.

The wind and rain gradually calmed down, and even the look on his face was slowly loosened, and the pistol was cold and cold. “Come on! Open the car!”

She did not intend to shoot at the rear car, but ordered the driver to speed up.

There is a driver in the back car. There are three of her cronies. They can naturally solve the problem of the person who is biting tight. If she does not solve it, she can only regret it.

Even if these people are her cronies, she is a villager in a stockade, and she can’t stay because of them.

I earned so much money for every household in the cottage. Now she is in danger. It is time for the villagers to express.

Every household in Lina’s cottage is a drug-trafficking person. Young people will be sent to General Miner’s army for two to three years and then come back. The younger Lina will secretly send them to the black market for a year and a half. Then go back to the village.

Not only is she in the cottage, but all the cottages involved in drug trafficking are like this!

(End of this chapter)

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