Chapter 4747 Nightmare

Lina is trying hard to control her emotions, so as not to let the people around her find that she is afraid. Once everyone around me knows that she is afraid, the heart is broken and she is not helpful!

Her calm played a role, followed by her is a shackle in the cottage, all of them are very capable, now Lina said that they went to Muraben to do a big job, these hands do not know how much **** cockroaches They all nodded slightly, indicating that they believed her very much.

They really believe in Lina, if they don’t believe her, they will not leave the village.

As for the other villagers in the cottage, they all saw that Lina had a careful arrangement and did not need to worry too much, but the casualties would definitely be there!

It doesn’t matter. If you have a gun, you will run away from yourself. There is no gun… Oh, these are not the people in their stockade, but the black workers.

There was light passing through the foothills of the mountain. I didn’t look at it and disappeared. Lina looked at the window and told them that Kangwu had caught up.

The car in the stockade, including the motorcycle, all made people ruin, so in addition to Kangwu’s car, Lina did not think about it.

A military ban on a mountainous area in the core area of ​​the Golden Triangle of Myanmar, at least 5,000 kilometers away, Xia Jinyuan, who is busy training for a day, is sitting on the desk. The tall and slender body is leaning against the big chair and sleeping in the office. The light illuminates “啪”, and he suddenly has a colic in his chest, and he will wake up when he is tired and enters deep wake.

“Little Fox!!”

Open your eyes, Xia Jinyuan sighed with pain in his heart.

The G3 that turned on the light came in. He didn’t be wary that Xia Jinyuan would sleep in the office. He still wanted to say sorry. He saw Xia Jinyuan pressing his chest and his face was so ugly that he rushed up. “How is the face so bad? What happened to the chest?” ”

Xia Jinyuan, who was in close proximity to the heart, waited for him to come, and after the colic that had just left, he waved his hand, and he had a thin sweat in front of him. He said: “Nothing, did a…”

I had a nightmare, dreaming… his little fox walked in front of him with blood. She walked very quickly, as if she wanted to chase something. The more he shouted, the faster she ran, and finally ran up, and the ground… …all **** footprints.

Although the words are not finished, G3 knows what he did not finish.

Seeing that he was not reluctant, his face was getting better and better. G3 picked up the steel cup on his desk and poured a cup of warm water on Xia Jinyuan. “Thinking at night, dreaming at night.”

Pass the cup that has been poured into the warm water, “drink a glass of water and press it down.”

Xia Jinyuan took the cup and drank a large cup. “I will go to Xiangcheng tomorrow, and the training in the team will be fixed.”

Half a cup warmed the water, and Xia Jinyuan, who was gradually depressed, gradually returned to calmness. “The last time two people were shot, the boss was furious, and personally came to inspect in August, don’t let the boss catch the opportunity to catch people.”

G3 laughed. “You, you, you are the one who wants to drive people away. At this time, I am afraid that the boss will drive away. Why, I am afraid that the boss is driving?”

Xia Jinyuan, who was shaking against the back of the chair, swayed his mouth and smiled faintly. “I have taken them around for two or three years, and then rushed them away. I am not losing money?”

“I really want to chase them away. I drove away as early as the first year! I can’t stay with them. What do I do with them? Frighten them and scare them.”

“You are really careful, don’t just say that your girlfriend wants to break up with you, how do you remember? You and the Bluebird haven’t talked for a year or a half, even the letter is not, still blame Do they have a mouthful?”

Show you my “hand”, it hurts.

(End of this chapter)

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