Chapter 4761

Liu Ning also had a “start” word that was not finished, and the back was suddenly pressed by Ye Jian. He was unguarded and he was pressed to the air.

“The ribs are broken, it is not suitable to climb the mountain, or wait for me in the car.” Ye Jian smiled and took back his hand. “I try to avoid the people around Lina and solve the problem of Lina’s immediate retreat.”

Turning and touching the low temperature side of Weng, his hands searched for a few times on his body, and found a black mobile phone from his trouser pocket. When he opened it, he turned out to be a military satellite mobile phone.

Also, the mobile phone signal in the depths of the Golden Triangle can not be fully covered. If you want to contact at any time, you can’t use the general signal phone.

The military satellite phone appears to be provided by General Miner.

Since I want to escape Lina, how can I use military satellite phones that can be traced at any time? She is not afraid that General Miner will send a helicopter directly into the mountains to destroy her?

It’s impossible to think of Lina.


Ye Jian’s wrist moved, he took the phone in his pocket, and went to the other Myanmar man who had been killed earlier. He searched and found no second military satellite phone.

The time-critical Ye Jian did not delay, and helped Liu Ning to stay on the roadside jeep.

Unless Lina currently had to use a military satellite phone and feared General Miner, she would have to use it for the time being.

Helping Liu Ning get on the bus, Ye Jian started the car and asked, “Can you still contact the Deng team? Something needs to trouble Deng team.”

Personal personal affairs, Ye Jian can only drive the car to this short distance to contact the Deng team.

After receiving the leaflet, the Deng team was overjoyed. After listening to Ye Jian’s request, Deng’s team said with a look: “Well, as long as you can reach the border tomorrow night, you must arrange for you to return to Xiangcheng on the night! But you have to advance, you can’t Injured.”

“If you are injured, you must first stay in the city of Chery.”

“Okay.” Ye Jian bent his lips, a sweet smile seemed to greet the blooming of the Fu, so that Liu Ning sitting next to him could not bear to look again.

Not injured?

I was already injured, and my shoulders were shot. I wrapped it with a headscarf that I didn’t know where I came from. The headscarf was also soaked with blood.

Ye Jian’s call was quickly transmitted to the military. Yang Shaozhi learned that Ye Jian was safe. Now he pursues the second goal and can return to China after completing the killing. At that moment, Yang’s heart has finally come out from Ye Jian’s tight heart. It is.

Minger Xia Jinyuan came back to ask him when Ye Jian returned, he can directly return to Xiangcheng to guard, and will see you!

Yang Shao, who was asked by Xia Jinyuan three times and five times, felt that he had “phone phobia”. Every time the landline sounded, he had the urge to flee, for fear of being a call from Xia Jinjin.

Now I can finally give an exact answer, and he is no longer afraid of the landline ringing.

Ye Jane returned the phone to Liu Ning, looking around at the car, whispering: “Looking for something that can be used in the car, I plan to handle the gunshot first.”

“Lina is ready to take the car away, there should be supplies available in the car. She is also used to preparing something for emergency use.”

Liu Ning took the phone and put it back in the trouser pocket. He looked at the shoulder and the gunshot wound. “How long can you stay?”

“I can persist in returning to China, rest assured, and look scary. Pistol small caliber bullets, non-pervasive injuries, bullets inside the meat, did not hurt the bones. Although a little painful, can bear.”

Both hands hold the steering wheel for flexible operation. If she does not see blood on her body, she can’t see the gun in her shoulder.

The bullet can also be done if nothing else is a master who can make a living.

(End of this chapter)

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