Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4776 - Very important person

Chapter 4776 is very important person

One in the army, one in the military school, the two are busy to see one year, of course, except for holiday training.

In short, the two people in the school saw up to two times a year. They are all young people with ambitions. They know that the rules are not afraid of them. As a department head, even if they look at them a little bit, there is no need to break them.

Now this year’s Fengyun student Xiaoye is about to graduate. His department head still has the responsibility to remind him to remind him that the two young people will lose their sense of time together.

Xia Jinyuan can naturally hear the words of the head of the department, and Junyan smiles slightly. “You can rest assured that I and her have both in mind, will not mess, and will not be wrong.”

“That’s good, then good, I still believe what you said.”

The head of the department couldn’t help but smile and nod. Then look at the seniors who have passed through the campus from time to time. The smile is slightly convergent. “Tomorrow graduation ceremony, she is a representative of outstanding students. Although people are not there, the position is still, hopefully You said, she will definitely come back.”

“I will come back and I will attend the graduation ceremony on time.”

Xia Jinyuan was very sure to answer the department head, but let the head of the department eat a reassurance.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, the sky is full of stars and the stars are rising, and the Milky Way is like a practice.

A civil aviation aircraft that rose to a height of more than 8,000 meters recently flew over the Milky Way, flew over the Jinxiu Mountain River, and flew from Yunyun to Xiangcheng.

At 2 o’clock in the morning, the plane dropped on time, and the passenger waited patiently. At the same time, a special passenger in front of the wheelchair was pushed by a vicious policeman, and a medical staff immediately left early.

This special treatment Ye Jian made up his mind and will never have another second.

This time, no matter how persistent she insisted, the Deng team and the anti-drug police refused to let go. They must send a drug police officer, a medical staff member, and finally the leaders came forward, so that they did not let Ye Jian resent.

Really let Ye Jiansong promise to call Yang Shaozhi.

As a result, Ye Jian was accompanied by a vicious policeman, accompanied by a medical staff member. Although the crew did not know what happened, it did not prevent them from admiring Ye Jian in the line of sight and leaving in a wheelchair.

The airport at 2 o’clock in the morning is very quiet. There are only two or three people in the connection port. Although the three of them are all casual, they are quite eye-catching in a wheelchair. The police in the province have contacted Xiangcheng Airport in advance. Leaves are easy to come out of the special channel.

The back was injured, and the broken ribs of the ribs only rested on the plane for a while, and there were a lot of injuries. The whole process was slightly closed and closed.

It is reasonable to say that it should be very tired, but the spirit is very good, and there is no drowsiness at all.

The medical staff who provoked their peers joked: “It is still young.”

Ye Jian grinned, and young did not care, because there was a person in his heart, he was the source of her spirit.

Not yet out of the channel, Ye Jian’s line of sight has been subconsciously looking for a figure that she can recognize even if she has a back.

I found out that she was looking for the vicious policeman who was looking for a smile. “What are you looking for?”

“Finding a person, one is very important and important…” The voice is getting lower, and her very important and important person has already appeared.

Long body, standing like a mountain, with a smile on his face is striding towards himself.

“A very important person, I found him.”

Ye Jian said lowly, even if the surgery was half-way, the anesthetic effect did not drop a tear in the special forces… At this moment, there were tears in the eyelids.

The very important and important person came, he came to her side.

It’s so good, it’s good…

Good night, little goblins

Recommend a good book for the base friend pig baby: sweet wife is on: Yu Shao, let go, absolutely boutique wonderful!

Gu Xia never thought that one day, she would marry a big man of the Shenhao level. Life has become a wonderful thing for her to fly. It is a beautiful police lady, and it’s not too bad to marry a god. They must be afraid of being eaten by the gods and husbands until one day… A group of media blocked her at the door and asked her, “Mrs. Yu, I heard that your husband is a capitalist big bad guy. What do you think of this? Gu summer eyelids One turn, “What happened to the bad guy? Eat your rice? “Someone asked,” Mrs. Yu heard that your husband is infertile? “Gu Xia fired three feet and pointed at the belly and said, “The old lady has been pregnant for more than 40 days. “When her husband came home at night, she was frustrated and complained. “What should I do with my husband? I blew a big cowhide today and said that I was pregnant for forty days.” “Yu Shao smiled a little,” Nothing, we may be in a hurry to work overtime tonight. ”

PS: A woman is introduced in one sentence – I thought it was a bronze. I didn’t expect it to be a king.

(End of this chapter)

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