Chapter 4778 is alive.

The tall and tall man clasped the slender girl with his strong and powerful arms. Like the mountain that did not fall, the girl was propped up without the wind and rain. Only the sun was shining in the sky, and she was protected for her life and kept her peaceful.

The anti-drug police and accompanying medical staff did not disturb the reunion between the lovers, they could not bear it.

The reunion hug ended in reluctance, and Xia Jinyuan kissed Ye Jian’s cheek lightly when he got up, and he introduced himself to the anti-drug police and accompanying medical staff.

“I am Ye Jian’s boyfriend, and both of them have been escorted all the way.”

“Ye Jian is the first hero of our province, and it is okay to **** her.” The scorpion police reached out, and even if they were only politely gripped, they could feel the guns in each other’s palms.

Only the talents who hold the guns all the year round will have a thick shot. It seems that Xiaoye’s boyfriend is not simple.

He also shook hands with the medical staff, and Xia Jinyuan pushed Ye Jian to go outside.

It is not only Xia Jinyuan, but also the political commissar and director of the government.

The ambulance is waiting, waiting for Ye Jian to come out and send it to the hospital.

The Yue political commissar arrived at Xiangcheng Airport from Jingli two hours ago. People did not return to the military school and waited at the airport. Xia Jinyuan and the director arrived an hour ago and accompanied the ambulance.

When I learned that Ye Jian was injured, Xia Jinyuan’s face was cold all the way. The head of the department also did a long-term ideological work. When it was said that the mouth was dry, Xia Jinyuan’s face had not improved.

The head of the department who knows Xia Jinyuan’s temper wants to point at his nose. He just wants to squat, and Xia Jinyuan, who has a cold face, looks straight ahead, and his voice is low. “It’s normal to do our injury. Nothing is good. Worried. If you get hurt, you can do it. If you have a life, everything is fine.”

Co-authored just now…he was all overwhelmed?

The head of the department was shaking, and the airway said: “So you still worry me for so long?”

“I think you are very worried about Ye Jian, just let you talk.”

The head of the department wanted to lick his chest. “You stinky boy, stinky boy, all the lieutenant colonel, how do you like me as much as before! I tell you, I really want to be sick from you, give me a hospital to serve me. !”

“No, I came to the hospital to serve me and Xiaoye!”

“The leaflet has me to serve, you have a teacher to serve, more than one of me will get in the way.” Xia Jinyuan smiled and replied, except that the sound was a little colder than usual, it seems that everything is normal.

No one saw that his hands were always in the dark, and no one found that he had deep fear in his eyes.

Injured, his girl was injured.

The injury is serious and an ambulance is required to pick up the plane.

Where did she hurt? Without him, is she afraid of a person performing a task?

How many sufferings have you suffered and how many wrongs have you suffered?

Obviously knowing that it is inevitable to get out of combat, but it still hurts.

After the pain, I was glad that I was just injured, but I was able to return smoothly.

That’s good, then that’s fine.

As long as you come back alive, that’s good, really good!

From knowing that Ye Jian was injured until he saw Ye Jian, Xia Jinyuan spent a considerable amount of effort to stabilize his voice and stabilize his emotions.

She is alive and well and returns to her side. It is already very good. It is already very good.

There is not much demand, and she is only able to return to her every time she goes abroad.

It’s enough to hear her voice and see her smile, that’s enough.

I was planning to put it up around 11 o’clock and tomorrow’s update. After I saw the message, I still put it in advance.

Update the three chapters around 1 am.

(End of this chapter)

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