Chapter 4786 Medal of Merit

“Ye Jian’s performance during the period was excellent, and several battles were made. After the military’s discussion, the graduation ceremony was decided on the day of the graduation ceremony.

In the conference room, Yang Shao, who represented the military to attend the graduation ceremony of the seniors in the school, explained his intentions. This was the decision made by the military department’s temporary meeting last night. Commander Xia’s personally issued the document, and Yang’s general took the morning four. Point the plane to Xiangcheng.

Major General Yang also believed that the rank of the major was given to Ye Jiancai, and Shangyu had wronged Ye Jian.

Commander-in-chief Xia did not agree. The award of the military rank on the day of the graduation ceremony was an exception. Another major rank was a reward for Ye Jian, but it was not stimulating for other students.

In this way, the military rank is unchanged, but the merits of the leaf Jane have not been granted this time.

Put the red box with the medals on the conference table and open them one by one to surprise the school leaders.

Two third-class merits!

Two second class!

Excellent student Ye Jian, what role did you perform in the military school for four years?

Third class work is not mentioned,

Second-class work leaves are actually there!

How difficult is second class work?

Take an easy-to-understand analogy, perform tasks or protect people’s property. Your body stabbed a few knives and almost sacrificed. You may take a second class. Or when you need to grace the country, you crush the opponents of other countries, you may take a second class.

That is to say, at least two times, Ye Jian is a lifeline, and nine lives!

The forehead of the school leader was slightly sweaty. As a leader, he did not know what the student Ye Jian had done. It was simply a dereliction of duty!

Major Yang’s shot shocked the school’s leadership, and finally he fell asleep for a few hours.

When the house was raided, the doctor repeatedly squatted and personally supervised and sent Ye Jian to the car. Before the car opened, he did not forget to remind Xia Jinyuan what to pay attention to before he waved his hand.

Ye Jian is a little excited. Xia Jinyuan, who is serving all the time, is afraid that she will be too excited to stretch her wounds. When she gets on the bus, she leaves her leaves in her arms. “Don’t be excited, don’t be excited, I can understand the mood, but the situation can not allow you to be too excited. Stretching the wound, I don’t doubt that the doctor will threaten me with a scalpel.”

“There is also the director of the department, he is afraid that he will find me desperately. So take care of the personal safety of the boyfriend, don’t be excited.”

Whispered, did not let the taxi driver hear.

Ye Jian, who leans in his arms, laughs like a star. “Reassured, assured, for your personal safety, I will take care of myself.”

After returning to China, she was able to attend the graduation ceremony. She didn’t want to come to a wound and let her go back to her bed and be criticized for education.

Back to the injury and returning to the previous well-behaved, Xia Jinyuan, who was affectionate and loving, rubbed her shoulders and shivered a little, and bowed her head to kiss her ear. “Let’s say two words.”


Ye did not understand, slightly looked up at him with a question mark.

The leaves of the undercover for nearly five months are very thin. The original face is only the size of the palm, very delicate and beautiful, the eyes are bright and very beautiful, and now they are thin and bones are panic, the eyes look bigger, Like a deer, squatting makes people feel soft in the water.

The small broken wounds on the face not only did not affect the beauty, but made the eyebrows in the eyes of the military four years more a little more delicate, a little bit more delicate and add a pair of eyes that made people feel soft in the water, inadvertently Going to Xia Jinyuan’s breath and stagnation, even the throat is slightly slipped.

See you during the day, see you during the day, good night, little goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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