Chapter 4788 Are you okay?

Xia Jinyuan seems to read what she has never said in her heart. She raises her hand and licks her hair. The gentleness in her eyes surrounds Ye Jian like a net. He said, “I will always accompany you.”

I will always accompany you, never give up until forever.

Today’s weather is good, the blue sky is like a mirror, and the moment from the inside of the car, the feeling of solidity completely fills the heart of Ye Jian.

The sentinel standing at the door recognized Ye Jian, and she was shocked to see her sitting in a wheelchair. After checking the documents routinely, she was concerned: “Are you alright?”

I was afraid that I would ask too much to make Ye Jian feel uncomfortable, and expressed his concern in the simplest sentence.

“Thank you, it’s good, it will take a while.”

Ye Jian’s answer made the sentinel’s serious face burst into a relaxed smile. “That’s good, that’s good, welcome back to school, Ye Jian!”

Immediately after the solemnity, he gave the military ceremony to Ye Jian, who was in a wheelchair.

All let a lieutenant colonel push a wheelchair. This injury is definitely for some reason.

Ye Jian was a glimpse, then smiled back to the military ceremony.

Entering the familiar campus, Ye simply saw the students on the campus. They were all freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. The seniors had already lined up for the auditorium.

Many freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are no strangers to the school’s Feng Ye characters, but all the younger brothers and sisters who passed by Ye Jian have stopped and watched their sister Ye Jian leave, and did not bother to disturb.

It’s not that they don’t care, and their concern in sight is overwhelming.

There is not much discussion. It seems that everyone knows why their sisters are injured.

I don’t really know.

But their sisters were pushed in a wheelchair by a young lieutenant colonel. I thought about it and they knew that their sisters were seriously injured.

The sister Ye Jian has always been at a height that they cannot reach.

The mountain is only admired.

With countless gaze, Ye Jian whispered that his request to stand up and walk was rejected by Xia Zhongyi, who was a boyfriend.

The reason for the refusal is very simple. As a representative of the outstanding students, she took the stage to speak. If she walks slowly, it may delay the time, and the whole fourth-grade students will wait, and the impact will not be good.

A very strong reason for refusal, Ye Jian will not mention the second time.

Just being watched by the younger brothers and sisters from time to time, the very uncomfortable leaves made Xia Jinyuan change another trail to the auditorium.

Every path of the National Science and Technology University, Xia Jinshen, knows that there is no need for Ye Jianzhi to take a familiar road and walk around a relatively remote path.

This road is also the one that Ye Jian has traveled the most. Xia Jinyuan, who is pushing the wheelchair, has slowed down even a lot, because he knows that this road must be the most and the most.

The familiarity of the face suddenly made Ye Jian’s eyes suddenly feel comfortable. The goddess who taught her to grow up and gave her knowledge, the line of sight gradually became slightly blurred.

Soon, she is leaving her alma mater.

Soon, she and her comrades went their separate ways, and I don’t know what year and month to meet again.

Soon, she will replace a shoulder badge belonging to the students, and soon draw a clear line with the student’s career.

I thought it would be slow and slow, until today I realized that four years is really fast.

It’s time to say goodbye, take care, and get in touch.

“There will be time to come back later to see our common alma mater, and we will come back together.”

Xia Jinyuan, who has also experienced the graduation season, can best understand his girlfriend’s mood at this moment. It’s sad to be separated. No one can really be happy when they’re away.

See you in the early morning, there is no card in the plot, but a process that goes with the flow.

(End of this chapter)

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