Chapter 4790 meets

No way, although the road is getting better and better, the summer school is still slightly better.

During the dialogue between the two people, the front hall of the graduation ceremony is convenient to see the grand auditorium.

Under the high-level hall of the Grand Auditorium, the entire fourth-grade graduates are neatly lined up, and the orderly divisions enter the auditorium. Although there are many stone steps, the military greens that line the team are always in a straight line, becoming the most beautiful scenery.

Ye Jian looked at his own sick suit, which inevitably seemed to be out of place, and he took time to wear the uniforms of the students.

“Need to go to the bathroom?”

From 4 o’clock in the morning to 6 o’clock in the morning, she refused to go out of bed, very troublesome urine bag, five bottles drip into the blood vessels, the bladder will be quite full.

In the hospital, there are nurses and sisters who helped to go to the bathroom. When they arrived at the school, Xia Jinyuan did not feel confident in finding a female student to help.

I thought that the leaves of the military uniforms would be heard as soon as possible, and the eyes of the blind man were still stunned. “Wait… cough, wait for me to find Xu Wen and He Jing to help, you should not worry.”

“Take you care for them, I don’t worry,” Xia Jinyuan looked at what she was thinking, and the little guy was shy. “It’s normal for you and my boyfriend to serve the injured girlfriend on the bathroom.”

“There is no one in the bathroom, I will accompany you.” Do not give Ye Jian a chance to reject the wheelchair.


Five minutes later, Ye Jian was flushed and returned to the wheelchair. Fortunately, no one was there. If she was seen by other students, she would definitely find a hole in the hole.

Before, I was still bright and open, and I thought that there was nothing that was not a thing, and that Xiazhong School, which would never be affected, was also a red face.

Say and do… It really is two different things!

He thought it was very simple. In fact, when he really wanted to serve, his hands were shaking. It was so irritating that it was terrible!

“One time, two mature, the next time.” Junyan’s reddish summer school is comforting, Ye Jian students are ashamed to want to face, the sound from the throat is as small as a mosquito, “Next time I If you come by yourself, you will not be allowed to help.”

The summer and shoulders carrying her, she raised her thin lips early, and she could not have her.

Only the last class was left in the seniors who entered the main entrance. Xia Jinyuan pushed Ye Jian from the logistics channel into the auditorium.

In the backstage of the auditorium, Xu Wen and He Jing waited for the first time. From time to time, they went to the door to see if Ye Jian had arrived.

The head of the department told her that the two remembered to take the uniforms of Ye Jian’s students, so that Ye Jian saved time until the auditorium changed clothes to the uniforms. The two men rushed to the backstage dressing room early, and waited until now. Figure.

“Every eight minutes is only five minutes. How come Xiaoxiaoer hasn’t come yet? It won’t be halfway through the graduation ceremony.” Xu Wen, who was waiting in her heart, couldn’t help but ran to the door and looked around. She did not see the familiar figure, she was anxious.

He Jingdao: “No, the director said that Xiaojian will come.”

“Can be…” Xu Wen, who looked at it again, glared at her eyes, and screamed with the wind, “Little Jane!!”

“嗖”, the people also turned into a wind from the dressing hall, He Jing also followed suit, the two almost “brake” at the same time.

Their little Jane… in a wheelchair!

It is no wonder that the director of the department said that they should be mentally prepared. If you see Ye Jian, don’t take the risk of losing it. Don’t be so excited to go straight to Ye Jian. It turns out that… their little Jane was injured.

(End of this chapter)

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