Chapter 4811 Where to go

They are also teachers and friends. They will give advice on what Ye Jian needs most. It will make Ye Jian quickly understand how to choose is the best choice.

You can love it properly in your life. There is no love in your work. It is only strict.

Ye Jian told Xia Jinyuan’s suggestion of his eldest brother Li Lannian, Xia Jinyuan, who had a dark man’s pass, only asked Ye Jian, “What do you think?”

Recognizing the big brother’s suggestion that Ye Jian has been indulging for a few seconds and answered seriously: “I feel feasible.”

“Well, now you can reply to the military.” Xia Jinyuan handed his mobile phone to Ye Jian. “Nanguang, Linnan, Linchuan and several generals are all in the military department. Your reply can be immediately known.”

On the fifth day of Ye Jian’s reincarnation, the distribution went to finally have a result.

Xia Jinyuan was relieved, and Yang Shaosong was relieved. He finally solved the problem of the distribution of Ye Jian. Then she waited for her internship period and then transferred to the Snowy Brigade. The dust settled and they were all happy.

G3 They knew that Ye Jian had to have an internship period, and each said that they had forgotten this.

It’s not that they have bad memory. Because Ye Jian and they have performed tasks many times together, they have been retired from birth to death. Each special soldier has thought of Ye Jian as a member of the brigade.

In this way, all the specialities of the snow squad were forgotten, and it was only after the reminders of Xia Jinyuan that they reacted.

“The three-month internship period is only a question mark, a new female soldier company, and the blue bird is the first chief instructor of this company. I am afraid that it will not be released.”

G3 said that he was worried about his heart. He expressed doubts about Ye Jian’s three-month general instructor position as a female soldier company. What can the three-month training female soldiers learn?

Xia Jinyuan, who has been assigned a headache for a long time, twisted his eyebrows: “You are not wrong, I am worried that it is very likely that I will not be able to return smoothly. The shortest three months, the longest six months. The six-month internship period is also normal.”

“Are you prepared to be unable to return to the team three months later?” G3 asked.

Xia Jinyuan sneered aloud. “According to the arrangement of the military department, I also wanted Ye Jian to be the company commander of the female soldier company. Can I transfer it as soon as the company’s internship is over?”

“Now I am only the general instructor, fortunate!” G3 sighed with a sigh of relief. “Fortunately, you are quick to respond. Only Jade Bird is the chief instructor. It is convenient to transfer.”

Big Brother Li’s suggestion: Since the Commander-in-Chief of Summer intends to arrange this, there must be other plans, you can promise, but you can’t serve as the “company commander”, you can serve as the chief instructor, which is equivalent to enlightenment and advice. If you leave, you can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Very good advice, Xia Jinyuan heard the approval at the time.

The big time is very reliable!

After nine days, Ye Jian returned to the military school, and Xia Jinyuan, who accompanied the nine days, sent Ye Jian back to school. He only had 11 days of vacation, and he was accompanied by the tenth day of the afternoon. He had to fly back in the evening.

On the ninth night, Xia Jinyuan handwritten dozens of leaflets to protect the taboos that need to be remembered. He waited until the tenth morning and handed him to Ye Jian.

“Get up every morning and have a look at it before going to bed at night. Don’t forget any one. I will call to investigate whenever I have time.”

Very serious, never kidding.

Ye Jian took over and listened to it. All of them were taboos that needed attention to the wound. After carefully watching the key points, she said she would obey.

She also has two months of rehabilitative time. During this period, she needs to master all the textbook knowledge points of the seniors. After two months, she will arrange the cultural scores and the physical examinations.

To this end, she must be well-trained and cannot delay the special re-test after two months.

After sitting for eight or nine hours in the car, sitting on the back and back pain, the little goblins are resting early, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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