Chapter 4813 is well-intentioned

As for the rank of Ye Jian, the commander-in-chief of Xia did not give an accurate reply to Yang Shaozhi, and even his own attitude was not revealed.

Only then, he and Fu Da contacted him to tell why he was so arranged.

“The small leaflets are young, the 22-year-old majors are not full, Fu Laodi, I checked the information of the Three Armies. There really isn’t such a young major.”

“Sometimes, although the ability is outstanding, it is not a good thing. The promotion is too fast and is embarrassing. It is easy for the villain to count. The promotion is too slow and the grievances are felt.”

“After thinking about it, there is only one way to solve the current sleepy mirror. Let Xiaoye bring out a new female soldier company and put his personal results in a place where the generals of the three armed forces can see, so that the promotion of the rank will not occur because of young age. And it was criticized.”

“For the military, the most contemptible, especially the children of your family, clearly that the children have outstanding abilities, but because of family reasons, parents have to be wronged.”

“Fu brother, don’t say that my kid thinks that Xiaoye has been wronged. I think this is also the commander-in-chief. But we have to look beyond the long-term to make it smoother and bear a short grievance in the future.”

If it wasn’t for the commander-in-chief of Xia to explain to Fu Da, Fu Da, who had invested all his energy in sea, land and air missile research, couldn’t really think of this layer.

He thought of whether his daughter was happy in the future, whether he could really let the Xiajia kid take his baby daughter.

What he thinks is just the happiness of his daughter.

As for the future development, it is far from whether the daughter is happy or not.

However, since there is a relative who can pave the way for her daughter’s future development, Fu Da said that she is very happy. “The commander-in-chief, I only want to be safe in the future, happy in my life, too much to dare to ask.”

“And now you have your protection, I thank you for Jane. It’s a bit like this, but I still have to say thank you. Thank you, Commander-in-Chief.”

“I can’t accompany my child because of my special work, and I can’t always contact Jane. I have your care, I am very relieved.”

“Jane’s graduation, I have never thought of it as a father, and I have never considered it for her. Compared with you, I am a very unqualified father, and I owe too much to my children.”

Speaking of the depths, this guidance expert who graduated from the Three Marines of the motherland, land, and air is full of guilt.

Since ancient times, the loyalty and filial piety have been dilapidated. For the sake of the country, I don’t know how many “Fu Da” have owed the family to them, and they owe their parents, their wives and children.

They are innocent, innocent, and only have families.

Commander-in-chief of Xia immediately said: “Fu Laodi, you and I are a family. The family does not say two things. I am obliged to take care of Jane. This is the responsibility that cannot be shirked as a father.”

“You can’t pay attention to Ye Jian because of special work. Then, I am obliged to take care of Xiaoye outside. Everything you do is a hundred years old. I can’t distract you because of the children’s things. If so, I can Really a national sinner.”

“Fu Laodi, you don’t have to worry about Jane’s things. I think of Jane as my own daughter, and she will be wronged.”

The conversation between the two fathers was all for the sake of the children.

However, Commander-in-Chief of Summer did not tell Fu Da Ye Jian to be injured, so as not to worry about Fu Da in the hinterland of the northwest.

Fu Da did not contact Ye Jian alone. He learned from Ye Xia’s commander that Ye Jian had all peace of mind, and the graduation assignment had a place to go, and Ye Jian was very satisfied. In order not to let the leaves of the new environment be distracted, Fu Da did not contact.

(End of this chapter)

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