Chapter 4928 Yingming Shenwu

There are more than 560 kilometers from the Duncheng Railway Station to the troops, nearly 300 kilometers from the high-speed, and it is not good to travel more than two hundred kilometers. The journey takes more time and more than 560 kilometers. It takes about It takes six hours to arrive.

Xia Jinyuan, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, listened to the two fathers and daughters in the back seat, whispering, and Junyan laughed all the way, without revealing a slight difference.

The two fathers and daughters have not seen each other for more than two years. It’s hard to meet for a little time. It’s a good idea to talk.

In addition, the future father-in-law is not saying it. In the middle of the journey, the activity is changed and the position is changed. He counts the time and takes six hours to drive. The future father-in-law takes up three hours. When the replacement position is just the sky, the car is faint… Cough, naturally dark.

In the black light bonfire, he held his girlfriend’s little hand and took a waist. What can the future father-in-law of the shoulders know clearly? The most important thing is that the chat is tired, and the future father-in-law will definitely close his eyes, and the next three hours will be full. It is your own!

Moreover, tomorrow, the father-in-law will have to rush back to the base, and he can meet every day, and he is much lucky compared to his future father-in-law.

It should be noted that the future father-in-law and the little fox can get along for most of the time in January!

I have to say that Xiazhong’s abacus is loud.

“After arriving in the army, I listened to the advice of my predecessors. I must not be alone, and I must not look at the soldiers in my army who are highly educated.”

“Your education and rank are high, but the qualifications of the soldiers are older than you, and they must be treated with courtesy. Of course, the strict time must be strict, the troops are still a place of iron discipline, and can not be disciplined.”

“Dad can’t stay with you for too long. I have to go back to the base report before five o’clock tomorrow, but your army and my base are in one direction. Dad can come to see you at any time after a holiday.”

Xiazhong’s back, which had a loud abacus in front, couldn’t help but straighten.

one direction?

In the future, the base where the father-in-law is located and the direction of their troops?

Xiazhong School, who has a straight back, knows that she is too optimistic, and it is simply sad!

In other words, in the next six months, there will be many opportunities for him to meet his future father-in-law!

Ye Jian was very happy, heard the words, and smiled in the eyes. “Really? That’s great! Dad, can I go to your base to visit you during the holiday?”

Fu Da laughed. “Ha ha ha, no, our base is forbidden to visit relatives. The families of the officers and men of the entire base are not aware of where we are, visiting relatives, never had anything.”

If the daughter wants to come, she can be disciplined. Even if he is a chief engineer of the base, he will not be able to undermine discipline.

Ye Jane was disappointed, and some sullenly said: “So strict, it seems that only waiting for your holiday.”

“Women, Dad can’t take a holiday, you, don’t have too much hope. Next will be a bit busy, there is no fake or unknown.”

In the front row, the back is straight, and Xia Jinyuan, who is slightly nervous, slowly and quietly screams out the air and relaxes a lot.

Ye Jian’s face was disappointing and deeper. “I also thought that the northwest should be very close to you before I came. It’s very close now, but I can’t see you in the past, and it’s useless.”

“Stupid niece, Dad can send you to the army this time is very satisfied.” Fu dad saw her daughter a little sad, then turned the topic away. “You just remembered what Dad said, you can ask more if you don’t understand.” Ask Ayuan, he has leadership experience, better than you.”

(End of this chapter)

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