Chapter 4830 Father-in-law

Ye Jian has no defense against Xia Jinyuan, which allows Fu Da to break his heart.

Hey, Fu Dad’s heart is long: “You need to pay attention to your body when you are young, and you can’t take care of yourself. You can rest on both sides, and Dad will sit behind.”

Ye Jian did not want Fu Da to worry too much, and nodded.

Xia Jinyuan can say anything, the magic height is one foot high, and the future father-in-law is mighty!

When changing seats, Xia Jinyuan whispered to his girlfriend: “The future father-in-law is too powerful. I can deal with my dad, but I dare not deal with the future father-in-law. The little abacus is broken by the future father-in-law.”

Ye Jian is not clear so.

Until the summer and the present, the meaning of the words is “good for the dark,” the extremely savvy Ye Jian… Instant!

The blushing guy who blinked her face, still afraid of being heard by Fu Da, a guilty cute look to Xia Jinyuan is really a bit itchy, could not help but smile in the face of the future father-in-law and licked the head of Yan Ye.

Some relatives between the little couples and little daddy still have one eye and close one eye.

He is also young, and he tries his best to come out with his lover when he is young.

However, at that time, the world was conservative and did not dare to have any small moves, for fear of being seen by his comrades.

Until the marriage report is going to be awarded, it is really certain that the two will dare to cross the thunder pool.

Sorry Ye Jian is still afraid of Fu Da to see, stunned the man who made the blame, raised his hand and waved his hand. Xia Jinyuan laughed and quickly closed his hand, and then shot and pinched the tip of the leaf.

“Re-moving, you have been sitting in front of me.” Ye Jian did not do anything, and he was wary of warnings, not a little threatening.

Xia Jinyuan raised his eyebrows, “Is it worth it?”

“What’s wrong! I told my dad now that you still like to sit in front.”

“Don’t see the father-in-law’s intentional arrangement? Can’t live up to the elders’ pains.” Xia Jinyuan is still afraid that Ye Jian will say, simply raise the body and talk to Fu Dadao who is carrying his own and the service soldiers: “Fu Shu, I and Jane first. The car is over.”

Fu Da turned and looked at her eyes. “Go on, go on.”

Looking at Ye Jian first on the bus, Fu Dad and the service troops joined the car.

This went back to the car and stopped talking about Ye Jian, but said that something happened in the base some time ago.

“The other side is a bit of a head. The equipment is the most advanced in foreign countries. I have not explored the specific location of the base. I have been taking pictures of foreign professional photography teams and painting maps. The locals know nothing about it. I really thought they were local. Travel abroad for free publicity and take the opportunity to improve the local economy.”

“If it is not the case that our army patrols find a strange situation, it is really possible for them to touch the base and expose the specific location of the base.”

“The incident occurred, which caused the military to pay attention to it. It even shocked the leadership of the General Assembly Hall. It did not punish the dereliction of duty, and first reinforce the entire line of defense.”

Thinking about what happened not long ago, Fu Da talked about the rest of his heart.

Who once thought that the foreign guys actually stared at the northwest, and also invested a lot of manpower, material resources, energy and financial resources to find our secret base.

Xia Jinyuan, who has a cold expression, said: “In recent years, China’s military strength has become increasingly prominent, and its international status has become higher and higher, causing high concern to the Western countries with strong hostility to China, and smearing our country from time to time.”

“There is a big banner on the surface, and the actual secret is uneasy. I am afraid that there is only one similar team to enter China. I wonder if there is a clear arrangement in the General Assembly Hall?”

(End of this chapter)

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