Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4834 - Wit, such as the summer team

Chapter 4834 wit the summer team

Look at the Xiajia kid, but he is willing to go all the way to the northwest, bothering his daughter, worrying about his daughter’s worries, and his words are recognized and supported by his daughter. It is more decisive and courageous than his father. Know my daughter.

The eager summer family will take away the only daughter early, and admire the Xiajia kid’s unrequited effort to the daughter. After the sigh, Fu Da also raised his hand and rubbed his temple, and said to the lover who sat behind: “Bringing troops to fight I am worse than you, the two of you exchange and see what to do next.”

Looking at Xia Jinjin, “The team you came over with is the guard company responsible for the patrol of the base. They are all very good, but they are still far from each other. You have to train them well. The entire perimeter guards can be all of them. Responsible. They will be severely punished for the incident.”

“I have a few requests for both of you, I hope you two can remember.”

“First, the relationship cannot be overly intimate. Don’t leave the population tongue and break your own future. I believe you can do this.”

“You” refers to Xia Jinjin, and Fu Da’s sight at this moment is not watching Xia Jinyuan for a moment.

趁 趁 自己 自己 自己 自己 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁

The seats on both sides are empty!

The middle school of the middle school, who is sitting tight, is seriously decapitated. “Fu Shu is relieved, I have a measure.”

“The man of Xiajia is empathetic and respectful, and I believe in you.”

Xia Jinyuan secretly pinched the little finger of Ye Jian, the future father-in-law… I don’t know how many times it is difficult to deal with the summer old man, it’s too difficult to deal with!

Slightly do not pay attention to a pit suddenly dug, and then light wind and light to give you a top hat, want to take, unless you want to face yourself!

Can’t take it, it can only be worn, and thanks, “you have a good reputation.”

Fu Dao waved his hand. “You can afford it. You are good to Jane. I look in my eyes and remember it. Sometimes it is… or it is a serious matter.”

It’s just that sometimes when I think of my daughter, I have to go back to my side and have to get along well. I will marry someone else and become a wife of my family.

Xia Jinyuan’s unspeakable words to the future father-in-law are like a blessing to the soul. The heart of the open heart is suddenly opened. He finally understands when the father-in-law will dig him from time to time.

In the future, the father-in-law’s sadness, he is also very helpless, he also wants both, but can’t really do it.

He laughed and said: “You have been retiring for decades. The old gentleman is old and has a lot of energy. I am a boyfriend of Jane, and it is all right to protect her.”

“When you come back from retirement, it will be a critical time for me and Jane. You will only need to protect me and Jane’s children.”

Ye Jian: “…” almost got it!

The marriage is still not finished. The summer team not only thinks about things after ten years, but also wants to let the children take it!

I still don’t know if I can take time to conceive and have children.

My heart was abdomen and I didn’t say it in my mouth.

Intuition tells myself that the Xia team will not say that there are no such things as there are no such things, and there must be other plans.

And this is going to…

Keeping silent, Ye Jian, who is no longer dragging his man’s hind legs, will look down on Fu’s face. Then, he will see Fu Da’s face excited, and even his voice will tremble and answer a few words. “Yes, yes, You think about it for a long time. Now you are protecting Jane. When I retire, I will protect my grandson, so good!”

A series of three “good” words, expressing how excited Mr. Fu’s mood.

(End of this chapter)

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