Chapter 4845 is not bad

The carefulness of the political commissar of the Tang Dynasty undoubtedly eliminated the strangeness of the environment of Ye Jian. The two asked one question and one answer, and because of the same alma mater, although there was an age difference, they could talk unexpectedly.

Just the distance to the dormitory, the Tang political commissar was very satisfied, and Ye Jian was also like this.

Xia Jinyuan and Zhu Lianchang are also very able to talk. If it is not a few hours later, Xia Jinjin will have to get up to meet the male soldiers. I wish the company commander can not talk about it.

“Brother, we can find the right person this time. You don’t know, I came to an instructor the year before, saying that I came to the company to guide the work. As a result, the good guys, the official officials, all the officials, are less. real stuff.”

“Our company’s job is to protect the entire base. He is good. Every day, I will give my soldiers classes, brainwashing, and arrange to have a military song every week!”

“I don’t object to learning the military songs, but he arranges classes every day and writes the textbooks in full. I was really angry at the time. The battalion commander also had a headache. Finally, I thought of a way to finally take this big Buddha away.”

However, the distance between the small sections, Zhu Lianchang and Xia Jinyuan called brothers and brothers up.

As the lieutenant colonel, the rank of Xia Jinyuan is two grades longer than that of Zhu Lian. I wish the company commander thought that it was not a good one. It would be a shelf. As a result, there was no shelf, no matter what the real thing, even some of the training. The experience is extremely close.

This is not, I wish the company commander swept the initial worry and soon talked very much.

In the eyes of Zhu Lianchang, the new lieutenant colonel looked at Sven Wenwen, and he didn’t have to say anything, but he didn’t have the taste of creamy niches. He said that he put it in and out. Domineering, at first glance, it is known that there is a “base material” to have the confidence.

Can not fit the appetite.

Although Xia Jinyuan did not see it, although his military rank grew older than Zhulian, he did not have a military age. Therefore, he expressed his respect for Xia Jinyuan and shouted “the company commander.”

“It should be transferred from the General Political Department. You need to practice under the company, so you can add a note to your resume and come over for the future.”

“I don’t train every day, I will talk about it on paper, and change it to me. I will bear him for up to three months. After three months, I will ask him to leave immediately.”

“Ha ha ha, that’s right! After three months, we are also polite to ask the colleague to leave, and hold a farewell party before leaving, thank you for his three months of hard work.”

Behind him, I wished the company’s long laughter, and the moonlight like a cool water, added a bit of color to the quiet night.

Laughter came, Ye Jian could not help but smile.

Her summer team, no matter where they are, can find their right position and quickly integrate into the new environment.

This is the advantage she deserves to learn.

Fifteen minutes later, the Tang political commissar and the wishor of the company left together. They all lived in the same building, only the distance between the upper and lower floors.

Ye Jian and the female soldiers also live here, not far from the dormitory of the male soldiers.

There is a regiment of troops around the base, and a total of more than 1,800 troops guard the entire base.

Ye Jian is just a battalion here. There are 560 officers in the Canadian army. Because there have been no female soldiers in the camp, the dormitory arrangement has also caused the leaders of the camp to have a headache for a long time. Finally, the camp dormitory is simply arranged, and the headache is temporarily suspended. solve.

Just temporarily resolved.

As the Tang political commissar said to Ye Jian, if all the 20 female soldiers are left, the dormitory will be arranged separately.

Although both male and female soldiers have the same, but the gender is different, the attention must be paid attention.

(End of this chapter)

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