Chapter 4848 Lifting Bar

Also Li Wei!

I wish the picture that the company’s mind has added is not Liwei, but the male soldiers in their camps picked up the female instructors and threw the sandbags.

Female instructors are much more shameful!

“That shouldn’t be so good!” Zhu Lianchang worried that Ye Jian would not be able to get off the stage in front of the male soldiers. He was quite anxious. “Furthermore, I don’t want to find them. The 20 female soldiers arrived in the afternoon. It’s right to stand in front of them.”

The political commissar of the Tang dynasty, the female instructor of the dynasty, squinted at the back, and his eyes were full of laughter. “What are you worried about? Nothing is seen. The captain of the summer is not in a hurry. The instructor of the leaf is not in a hurry. It is obvious that they have a few hearts.”

“You, sorrow, worry. Don’t panic, peace of mind, and take a good look at the strength of the leaf instructor, I believe it must be wonderful.”

After that, I added a little bit and added, “It’s even better than the captain of Xia, because she is a female instructor.”

Must be… wonderful fart!

“I said the ugly words, she was going to be smashed by the soldiers in our camp. Lao Tang, you and the battalion commander confessed. Also, the old grandson, the vice chairman of Laoliang, say hello in advance, really want something to happen. Besides, it’s all night.”

There are three companies in the camp, and three company commanders, Zhu Lianchang, Sun Lianchang, and Liang Lianchang.

Sun Lianchang went to the base with the battalion commander. Liang Liangchang went to the next camp for a few days, and had to go back in a week. Now it is the deputy company in Lianli.

A company commander is about 120 people, and the position is three or three.

There are company commanders, deputy company commanders, and even referees.

The length of the three rows is no longer.

There are three classes in each class, there are class leaders, but there are also no deputy classes.

If the company commander is absent, the deputy company commander has full authority to handle all the affairs of the company. I wish the company commander is not the other company commander. If there is an emergency, he can handle it. He can’t be replaced by such a company.

The political commissar of the Tang Dynasty saw a letter from the company’s director who had no confidence in Ye Jian. He did not fight at all. If the soldiers were there, he really wanted to fly him.

“I can’t look down on people, but I can’t look down on people. Well, what I said last night, you can’t make a fart? I tell you, I wish you a good time, and I will let you be the first to play with the leaf instructor.”

I wish the levers, the Tang political commissar to the nickname of the company’s company.

The long-shouldered face of the company’s face replied, “The first one is the first one, I am still afraid of it!”

“Not a grandson!”

“I have never been a grandson!”

“Cheng, you said! My **** now and the leaf instructor said, let her not give the old man a mercy, how much he gave to Laozi! I can’t afford the students who graduated from the National Science University, right now, Laozi makes you look good today. !”

The Tang political commissar, who has been convinced to serve in Sven, has a slap in the face of “I”.

The deputy company has only helplessness. I wish you a good fortune. You are really a “leverage”. If you don’t have a few times with the political commissar and the battalion bar, you will not be comfortable in your heart!

I hope that the political commissar of the Tang and the Tang dynasty will leave and turn around and turn around and talk to the deputy. “Are I provoke the political commissar?”

“Well, it’s getting mad.” The deputy answered truthfully, he was used to it.

I wish the leader of the bar is also angry, and picked up his mouth and said: “I will write a review with me at night. Mom, I have a review of one company for more than one year. I am shame!”

You know it, you know that you still continue to be embarrassed, so there is nothing to lose.

The deputy was silently added in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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