Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4853 - Heroes out of my generation

Chapter 4853 Heroes out of my generation

The plan is to win the opponent by falling over the ground.

I wish the company commander like this. He has already been shocked and stunned. He knows that he has smashed the female soldier’s instructor, so that he can’t say it now!

Xia Jinyuan, who was watching next to him, smiled slightly, like Qingsong standing next to him, and occasionally seeing Ye Jian’s move, his eyes tightened slightly, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

The instructors of Yilian, Erlian and Sanlian have come over. They are responsible for their various trainings. They are more than five years old. They are strictly not happy, and the new recruits are always the first one who is most afraid of the instructor. .

Xia Jinyuan is now an instructor of three companies. He naturally became the chief instructor of the whole camp for the time being. If there is any doubt, he will find him naturally.

Just now, Xia Jinyuan and the three consecutive instructors had a plan, and Ye Jian was following the fight of the snowy squad. The two men were naturally similar. The instructors in charge of the training came out and wanted to ask for the guess.

Facing the speculations of the three instructors, Xia Jinyuan smiled and said: “You have not read it wrong. She is indeed the soldier I brought out. It is also a special soldier. Otherwise, how can I let her and the soldiers make a plan?”

“She is on the scene, you three…” Xia Jinyuan smiled at the instructor with a tight expression on his face. “You three are really not her opponents. I can’t take advantage of it in front of her. The soldiers below me have never been in her.” It’s cheaper in front of you.”

Speaking of the three instructors face each other.

“Why can she become a female soldier instructor, based on strength.” When he said this, Xia Jinyuan was very proud.

The weak girl in the past has worked hard and step by step to become a strong man who can compete with sin. Among them, he has a credit, can he not be proud?

The three-instructor inspected the female instructor who clearly had the upper hand at this time. The throat was slightly moved, and the whispered: “So we wish the company not to lose?”

“According to this, ten out of ten will lose.” Xia Jinyuan was convinced to answer, but still left a face for the company’s director.

It’s not in all likelihood, it’s lost. It’s lost.

The three instructors breathed a little, and wished the company a pair of iron fists to fight the whole group. The three of them could not ask for much cheaper in the hands of the company’s director. I did not expect that… I would lose to the female instructor.

Before the female instructor did not play, the deputy company also deliberately despised the situation, obviously have doubts about the female instructor’s ability.

The results are good, they do not have the qualifications of “depending on the situation”, female instructors only have!

In an instant, the three instructors had some hot faces.

The melee wrestling has entered a high hot spot. Both of them are out of the leg. The force is too strong until the two people “touch” the ground and slammed open. I wish the company even a few steps back, such as drinking drunkards.

The response of the female instructor made all the onlookers rush out of the sky.

She didn’t step back. She came over with a light and clever scorpion, and then kneeled like a tiger, kneeling with her knees and her hands on the ground.

In the middle of the fight, Jane’s training cap fell on one side, and a slap in the hair, a sweaty face on her face, her delicate eyebrows and a sword-like chill, clearly distinguishing the beauty, but the beauty that was completely ignored, only She was suffocated by the suffocation in her black box.

Seeing Ye Jian at this time, everyone, including the Tang political commissar, moved their eyes from Ye Jian to the wisher of the atmosphere.

I wish the company commander…you have to lose!

See you at night

(End of this chapter)

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