Chapter 4856 Quick and Happy

The political commissar of the Tang Dynasty deliberately went to the side of the wishing company to say a few words of coolness, but he could not give up the strength of the company, but he was so stingy as the political commissar.

The “small gas” Tang political commissar smiled and said: “The shame of fourteen years has been washed, and it’s fast!”

In the face of the political commissar from time to time to open up for their own pleasure, as the captain of the captain, only the pinch of the nose to recognize.

The military rank is low, the position is low, and he does not recognize it.

The political commissar of Tang believed that Zhu Lianchang had learned this lesson and estimated that he would not dare to sneak up on the female soldiers in the future. Even if the 20 female soldiers arrived next, they would not dare to take a nap.

As for the company commanders who have not returned, they will not make mistakes in wishing to make a lever.

At this point, the female soldier had already set off for more than two hours. If it was successful, it would be able to arrive before 2 o’clock noon. Ye Jian and the male soldiers were more active, and the female soldiers who came to the camp also chatted in the car.

The female soldiers from all corners of the country are all coming to the northwest for the first time. They are first attracted by the spectacular scenery that has been carved all the way through the years. From time to time, they find bursts of exclamation.

When I waited for more than two hours, the scenery was still the same, I felt a little boring, and after some self-introduction, I started to have some topics.

Let me talk about my former troops first, and talk about how I came to the northwest inexplicably.

After talking about everyone, I knew that everyone should have been to the Nanguang Military Region. I don’t know why they all came to the northwest.

“Mobilization is impossible. In the future, we will be female soldiers in the northwest. It would be harder to go home than to be.”

“Yeah, I don’t dare to talk to my family, I am afraid that my family will worry.”

“I am Nanguang people, and now I am getting farther and farther away from Nanguang.”

“I, Yun, is farther than you.”

“I, the northerners by the Mohe River, who is farther than me.”

“There is one, I am also a northerner. I can stand on the mountain to see the opposite of North Korea.” This girl is recently, from the northernmost part of China, and then to the northwest.

Six or seven hours’ drive is enough for the female soldiers in the same car to know each other. Because they are all from different units, they are all temporarily notified to the northwest. Together with the female soldiers who have all been selected through the selection, they have more common topics. There are only a few things, and there are only a few words that are polite.

At about 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the sun shines on the yellow sand and there is a layer of light white light. Twenty female soldiers who have bumped all the way to the buttocks finally arrived at the camp.

The sentinel inspected the vehicle soldiers and officers’ documents and opened the long stab fence checkpoint.

At 2:15, the female soldiers got off the whole team, and then the soldiers from the camp area walked into the camp. The female soldiers were received by the squad leader.

In the face of 20 female soldiers, the squad leader remained serious and brought a female soldier to a three-story dormitory building. The room of the 20 female soldiers was first arranged.

The conditions are limited, the female soldier is a dormitory for five people, a total of four.

Also told the female soldiers to train their instructors have been waiting for a long time, first go back to the dormitory to rest, the instructors may come directly to the dormitory to find them, it is also possible to set up an appearance immediately.

After that, the male squad leader has a deep sense of looking at the 20 female soldiers. Now at 2:20, there are still ten minutes to go out in the afternoon, and they will see if they want to gather.

So far, the twenty female soldiers still don’t know whether the instructors who train them are male or female, and they have not asked themselves. The subconscious is considered to be a male instructor.

At 2:30, the battalion of the battalion was sounded, and the 20 female soldiers responded very quickly. No need to remind them, and they packed up and ran outside as fast as possible.

They are all female soldiers, and the collection of the sound of the horn has become a conditional reflection, and it is not deaf to the environment.

Good night

(End of this chapter)

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