Chapter 4865, dry them up

The male soldier and the male soldier compete for a victory. This is enough to be full of blood. Now add a male soldier and a female soldier to fight for the outcome, and the **** spirit is thoroughly stimulated, and each fights to let go.

When the battalion commander arrived at the camp, he did not come down from the car. He heard the buzzing sound from the direction of the training ground and the ground trembled. The car stopped and the Tianying long jumped off the car. The door slammed shut. Directly invite the sentinel to ask.

At five o’clock in the afternoon, the sentry just changed his position, and he knew all the things on the training ground. He took the gun and tried to stabilize his excitement. He reported it clearly.

Tian Yingchang heard stunned.

The leaf instructor of the female soldier class went down in the morning of their wish for the company’s commander and then stumbled four men’s soldiers. Tian Yingchang couldn’t help but lick his face and panic!

I also heard that the new summer instructors in the afternoon had to select 20 male soldiers to focus on training. Just as the female soldiers were also there, the three consecutive company leaders suggested that they would even compare with the female soldiers. As a result…

As a result, I heard that Tian Yingchang’s gangsters hurt even more!

The female soldiers under the instructor of the class, the two ensigns, a lieutenant is very powerful, and the male soldiers are placed on the court. Not to mention the leaf instructors who have also followed the “obstacles”, all the obstacles are flat for her, and it is not a problem.

The sentinel is honest, and Tian Yingchang asks what he wants, and the answer is very detailed, and all the ins and outs are told to Tian Yingchang.

Speaking of the first one, Ye Jian directly slammed a group of male soldiers. The sentinel’s eyes were all emitting light. When he reached the heart of Tian Ying’s heart, he could not shoot the sentinel.

Which one is the guy with no eyes?

It is the guy who wants to be in the bar! !

What kind of soldiers are there?

Didn’t you see that he was so fast at the moment that he had a heart attack? I also said that the female soldiers are so powerful, how strong the female soldiers are.

Do your best to keep others motivated and destroy your own prestige!

The sentinel picks up the essence and then the battalion commander. I think about the scene at the time, and I am still excited.

At that time, the enthusiasm in the field, the male soldiers were red on the palm of their hands, as the female soldiers shouted “Ye Yang instructor, dry them! Ye instructors, dry them.”

The male soldiers usually shouted “kill him, kill him”, and the female soldiers suddenly shouted “to dry them”, a group of men inexplicably blushing.

As for Ye Jian and her female soldiers, they are not aware of anything wrong at this moment.

Tian Yingchang heard the gangs pumping one by one, and the roots were grinded like a kitchen knife. The words spit out were murderous. “I wish you a lever, I don’t want you to cover your skin, I will not be a surname!”

The sentinel’s truthful report was all about “I wish the company commander, he wished the company commander to propose him, and wished the company commander how he was doing”. The face was pulled and the long field battalion commander did not look for him. Who else to look for?

I haven’t counted myself, but I’m pulling the soldiers together!

It’s just a matter of pulling down the water. You **** good luck to Laozi! Win! Win!

The result, lose!

Tian Yingchang, who had to explode in the original place, forked his waist, snorted and swayed back and forth several times, and then raised one hand, pointing sideways to the training ground, and hearing the same stunned side, and seeing the battalion commander Going to Xitian, Sun Lian, who is not feeling well in his heart, said: “Go, go, let the levers come to Laozi!”

“Don’t lose people! Don’t lose people! He still has a face to stay in the playground? Go, let him roll over to Laozi!”

(End of this chapter)

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