Chapter 4869 Spoofing spikes

Remember that Ye Jian said that she climbed up and finished the decline as quickly as possible. She was the fastest female soldier in the top 19 female soldiers. From the fall of the lame, everyone, including Xia Jinyuan, was bright.

Fast and steady, the speed of shooting is also very fast, the whole process is extremely fast, obviously better than the top 19 female soldiers.

The leaf in the eyes above is brighter than anyone, so flexible and fast, fast!

The female soldiers who have been selected are not the same. It is no wonder that Commander-in-Chief Xia said that there must be surprises waiting for her.

Isn’t it a surprise!

Yang Zhen, who completed the vertical descent shot, pressed down the half-shoulder rope, and Tian Yingchang repeatedly applauded.

I hope that the company commander will find that their battalion commander is coming back. The tiger’s body is a fake, and the eyes are wide open: “The battalion commander, when did you return to the camp? Didn’t you sing a little? The cold is not open, my soul is scared away.”

If you can’t fake it again, Tian Yingchang will not bother to poke him. “You are too busy, I am so sorry to bother you. Does the soul scare away? Do you want to take a big **** to collect the soul?”

“The battalion commander, I am a materialist. You rarely spread feudal superstitions. When the political commissar hears it, you have to whisper in your ear.”

Tian Yingchang sneered, “Oh, then I have to thank you for reminding me.”

“You’re welcome, you are the battalion commander, should, should.” Zhu Lianchang smiled, hehe!

“Less to the old man!” Tian Yingchang directly lifted his foot and squatted in the past. “Reload the old man and let you roll back to your hometown!”

“It has been fifteen minutes and forty-seven seconds.” The Tang political commissar opened the door and immediately let the battalion commander and company commander stop pouting.

It is only twenty-one seconds left for Ye Jian.

Twenty-one seconds, I wish the company’s directors are clenching their hands, can they become? Can it be made?

Tian Yingchang and Tang political commissar also stared, twenty-one seconds… can it really become?

It takes thirty-eight seconds for the soldiers to complete the decline in the camp!

There are mainly shootings, which can be completed within 20 seconds without shooting.

Xia Jinyuan looked at his eyes, and the darkness of the dark black scorpion deepened a little, and there were twenty-one seconds… Come on, the blue bird, you can become!

The most important thing is that the onlookers are even more afraid to bother. Yang Zhen is silently sending a few thumbs.

The female soldiers were even more nervous and looked up at their instructors.

The leaves are buckled with a protective lock, and after a deep breath, the slender legs are straight, and there are only dumb eyes and countless “I rely on me to rely on me to go to me.”

Holding the pistol that had already been loaded on the bullet in one hand, and tightening the rope with one hand, the speed was simply a free fall, and the embarrassing drop, and then “squeaky” shot.

When I fell, I only saw her phantom. Only when I stopped shooting, I could see her shadow. I shot four times in total, and I got 12 seconds in 3 seconds of shooting time, plus the fall time, no matter what. It will take more than 20 seconds.

Everyone has sweated for the speed of Ye Jian, worried that she will fall directly, only Xia Jinyuan is calm and calm, and the meager lips even have a slight smile.

They are worried that Ye Jian will fall down because he is eager for success. What Xia Jinyuan sees in his eyes is the fearless figure of the comrades.

She can, he always knows she can do it.

With unlimited potential, she can do it.

“call out!”

The virtual shadow quickly slid to the end and suddenly stopped. The figure finally became a real thing. Ye Jian, who was firmly on the ground, first buckled back to the pistol, and then closed the rope again. Xia Jinyuan and Tang political commissar pressed the stopwatch at the same time.

Female soldiers share 16 minutes and seven seconds!

I, 9.8 has not been updated! Not even updated!

Just looking into the draft box, the 4 chapters released on time 9.8 are still there!

Look at the comment area again, scare, look at the client update does not show up, I am this pot… big back, cry.

(End of this chapter)

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