Chapter 4876 Stolen Kiss

The room heard the sound of Xia Jinjin’s sinking voice. “I can mention that you are less detoured, and I will not intervene in things that belong to you. Sometimes I will not point out even if I find problems.”

“Growing too smoothly is not going to make people progress. I hope that you can be honed, have a set of styles to fight and lead the soldiers, and apply my style from time to time.”

“Look at my plan first, and after reading it, talk about what you need to improve.”

As a boyfriend, Xia Jinyuan never spoils Ye Jian regardless of the occasion, and does not regard Ye Jian as a canary.

He will go forward with the leaves of Jane, and will never use his powerful wings to protect Ye Jian on the military road of the special forces.

He only hopes that Ye Jian can ride the wind and break the eagle to attack the sky, and live out the wonderfulness that belongs to her own.

Ye Jian looked very seriously and was not angry because Xia Jinyuan’s arms were on the sidelines.

Xia Jinyuan, who did not participate in the book, picked up a book about military theory while watching and accompanying Ye Jian. One person made a serious revision of the case, and a quiet companion did not bother, although there was no communication and no one could disturb the warmth.

An hour later, Ye Jan looked up from the portable, twisted and twisted the neck for a long time, and looked up at the man who had been with him.

I don’t know when he read the book. His slender legs were lifted up and placed on the other corner of the desk. The head leaned back on the back of the chair, and the book in his hand was covered on his face, revealing only the squatting light that was illuminated by the light.

He was really tired today, and he was even more tired than her. After chatting with Tian Yingchang, she went back to the bedroom to rest, and he was busy until 9:00 in the evening.

There was no training plan to rush out of the 20 male soldiers. It was hard to catch up and found her to come over. She has been with her until now, and she has not said that she is tired.

Looking at Xia Jinyuan, who has fallen asleep, Ye Jian’s twilight is more and more gentle, and it’s hard to get two people to be alone in a quiet room. Because he’s accompanied by the warmth of the leaves, he can’t help but reach out and gently Ground, slowly take off his handsome book.

When the book leaves, she will sometimes see the face of the lost, handsome face shrouded in light, eyebrows narrow, nose and nose, thin lips and sexy, delicate to find a trace.

The night is a time that is easy to mourn, can make all the reason become chaotic, and it is also a time when people will be tempted to commit crimes.

The night’s faintness, the night’s charm, will make the air thinner, the heartbeat will accelerate, the blood will boil, the daytime calm, calm, and even the cold-blooded heart will keep your heart moving for a long time. Start “怦怦怦” to accelerate the beating.

Heart… Suddenly, there was a chaotic spring pool.

His handsome face is like a blind drug, in addition to chaos the heart of Ye Jian, but also let the blood flowing in the acceleration flow more.

The shadow that stood on the snowy white wall slowly bent over, and the two shadows were closer and closer until the shadows overlap.

The warm and tender lips contain a deep lip that loves to secretly kiss the summer and the present, the lips and lips just touched, and Xia Jinyuan, who had fallen asleep, opened his eyes…

Ye Jian, who was caught in a bad thing, was shocked and scared to sit back in the bed.

The light is too embarrassing, but it can make Ye Jian see the burning in his eyes, burning to palpitation, heart palpitations, confusion, burning to her eyes can not help but dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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