Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4878 - The sequelae are very serious

Chapter 4878 is very serious


does not exist!

Attention to the impact?

This is natural, he will not do anything too deep.

The sheep himself took the initiative to sneak into his mouth, and he was squatting in the middle of the night. If he didn’t do anything, he couldn’t help himself.

Xia Jinyuan, who is still trying to catch on with it anyway tonight, is a little excited. The boiling blood rushes straight to the forehead, and his eyes are slightly red.

Just as Ye Jian realized that something might happen next, there was a crash that made her teeth sour, and the hands holding her face suddenly came to strength…

Some of the anxious summer lieutenant school miscalculated the height, but also missed himself. Although it was a single bed, it was actually a double bed with a double bed. The body leaned over and did not kiss the girlfriend’s lips. The sturdy iron bed came with a deep affectionate “kissing”.

The slamming of “啷” did not know if his head was too strong and he trembled when he hit the iron bed.

The room was very quiet and quiet. Ye Jian had to endure for a few seconds. There was no way to hold it back. He didn’t have to be pushed down by the bed in Xia Jinyuan. He rushed to the bed directly, his face was stuffed into the bed, and he smiled and laughed. .

Hit the front of the school, the middle school of the summer star, holding the gold star, his right hand squatting on his forehead, and his left hand slaps himself, not heavy, but there are only two people in the room, even if it is not heavy, you can let Ye Jian hear it crisp. Self-sounding.

Undoubtedly, the self-extraction of Xiazhong School added a smile to Ye Jian, and they all laughed and shuddered.

Why is the summer team always falling off the chain at a critical time?

This is the last time, this time again!

Hahaha, hahaha, it’s not that she’s dying, but her summer team is a bit unlucky. Is this the sorrow of the old boy?

Xia Jinyuan hates that he hates to think about himself.

One can still say that I am unfamiliar, two times? Can you say that you are unfamiliar?

Two times back to life!

do not care! He wants to do something meaningful now!

Xia Jinyuan, who rushed up, took a long arm and grabbed it with both hands. He let Ye Jian lay down well, his hands were held by him to the top of his head, Ye Jian stopped laughing, and the black shackles contained his daughter’s shyness. “Can’t be too arrogant.”

She said lowly, equivalent to accepting all his next actions.

In fact, the military dormitory can’t do anything interesting, touch it, kiss it… It makes a lot of sense.

It’s really impossible to let go, and both must be restrained.

You can’t leave a mark of love to avoid being discovered.

The two black shadows thrown into the wall are constantly entangled, tangled and tireless, and I don’t know how much time has passed. Ye Jian’s hands cling to her lover who is buried in her chest, her shortness of breath, her eyes closed, her eyes blurred With.

Xia Jinyuan, who didn’t dare to let go, was so hot that it was roasting like a fire. I don’t know how long it took. He felt his body suddenly tightened, and the taut time lasted for a while, and he heard a long overflow in his throat. The tight body began to relax slowly.

The blush to the hot leaf Jane clung to the portable escape, waiting to return to his bedroom, the door was lightly closed, she quickly leaned back against the door, like a fish with free water to breathe, if you look carefully, you can see her The calf is shaking.

Not too arrogant, but… has already brought her into a new world, that is the world of adults, the adult world that has been exposed to the two worlds.

Blushing, fast heartbeat, shaking hands and feet, the sequelae are very serious!

………………Good night, only sugar, only sugar

(End of this chapter)

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