Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4880 - Li Wei’s statement

Chapter 4880, Li Wei stated

The two people who only slept for about an hour or so did not affect today’s training because of the intimacy of the early morning. The sneaky fights were only one night. After dawn, the two people who were almost overnight stayed in their training.

When they went to the playground, they both met and looked at each other. They were very polite and slightly decapitated, and the things that happened in the middle of the night were left behind with the sound of the horn.

Ye Jian, who woke up, really didn’t have time to worry about what happened in the early morning. The responsibility she picked up was even heavier than Xia Jinyuan. She must not influence her training because of her personal feelings.

In order to be able to reassure the military, after watching the schedule of Xia Jinyuan last night, I made some minor adjustments on the original plan for the female soldiers. The overall direction is unchanged, and the training is more difficult than the training of the male soldiers. .

The female soldiers who went back to their respective bedrooms last night to discuss their instructors completed a three-kilometer morning run early in the morning. At the time of the gathering, the squad leader Yang Zhen gave each person a form. The female soldiers took the form and saw the above contents. One is not surprised.

The above training made them cool on their backs.

Ye Jian looked at the female soldiers who had changed their faces. Standing in front of her, she looked cold and calm. “I will complete the training like you, warm up in the early stage and strengthen in the later stage. I don’t want to listen.” There is any complaints in the training, which affects the enthusiasm of the entire class.”

An opening, cold air came straight, not at all with the kindness of the game with them last night, so that last night to discuss the instructors should be very gentle temperament of the female soldiers suddenly sink.

The paper in my hand is only a few thin pages, but at this moment it is as heavy as it is.

Their instructors… The temper is gentle, but it is definitely a very bad-speaking, principle-intensive instructor.

The mentality changed again subtly, and there was some fear in the eyes.

The cold-eyed leaves are swept away from the female soldiers’ faces. The only experience she brought from training is from the senior school. In the face of a group of college students, nowadays they face the heavy burden of the military, naturally not like the off-campus It’s so good to talk.

As an instructor, she must not leave the female soldiers with the impression of being casual and talking.

Ye Jian, who has a slight change in the face of the female soldiers, has changed a sigh of relief. It is impossible to have no tension. It can only be covered up with a cold voice. “Why are you coming, I must have known it in the original army? Although the place of distribution has changed, it has only changed one place, and the essence has not changed.”

“China has not yet established a special female soldier special combat team. Can this special combat team be established? Hope is all over you.”

“Only half a year, after half a year, the military will conduct an assessment of our class. If the assessment is qualified, it will be established. If the assessment is unqualified, it will be merged into the Pioneer Camp.”

“I have seen your resume, you all have a common purpose. Now the military has given you the opportunity to achieve your goals. Success and failure are in yourself.”

“And my training program is the cornerstone to help you achieve common goals. I hope that you can cherish this opportunity and let the military see your results after half a year.”

“Now, tell me, do you have any questions about this training? Can you accept it?”

After the sinking, Ye Jian did not wait for the female soldiers to answer, and suddenly made a name, “Gao laugh, do you have any questions? Can you accept?”

(End of this chapter)

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