Chapter 4888 Fudge

Since I’m getting a female soldier’s roster, I’ve seen their personal resumes, and combined with their own observations, Ye Jian is constantly looking for ways to get these female soldiers to obey themselves as soon as possible.

This is the difficulty that must be passed as a commander, and she is no exception.

Ye Jian’s smile sighed, and Xia Zhongxiao, who tried to make himself serious, smiled and thinned his lips. It seemed to be clear and breezy, and there was a windy instrument. “Your progress is very fast. I will be very happy when I know it. ”

“The female soldier and the male soldier are indeed different. The summer team, it seems that I really can’t find you to help me out, or I will slowly explore it myself, although it works slowly, but the method is positive. The way you handle it is very good, but I don’t think it is appropriate to treat female soldiers.”

Xia Jinyuan airborne snow squad, only to find the weakness of the special forces, and then one by one, so that the special forces who do not obey him know that his captain is airborne, not so good.

Even if Xia Jinyuan was stunned in public, the male soldiers were only unable to hang at the time, and then convinced and then convinced.

This kind of treatment is feasible for male soldiers, and the female soldiers can’t do anything.

The woman is thin, you let her go out in public, do not say anything on the spot, more hate in the back.

Although the female soldiers are soldiers, they are women after all, and they are not accepting the rough handling. They are more acceptable to them, such as Ye Jian, who cares for each other and allows them to settle in peace.

If you are as strong as Qiu, you will eat Ye Jian.

It seems to be soft, but it is soft and hard.

Looking at the lover who is not motivated by his persuasion, Xia Jinyuan, who is swaying in the light, does not think that he can laugh: “You can let them get used to your treatment. There is nothing wrong with getting used to it.”

At first, Ye Jian had not noticed anything, until Xia Jinyuan said this, Ye Jian’s heart came out, and when he looked again, he saw a little more in his eyes.

Something is not right, the usual summer team will not be like this.

The heart-thinking Ye Jian is determined to look lazy and lean on the desk. The black and deep scorpion is filled with a comfortable smile, with a few points that will make people feel at ease. I didn’t look at her for a moment, and when she saw her, she raised her eyebrows a little, and she couldn’t tell her.

Although the beauty is excellent, but at this time, it can not be tempted by the male color. The leaf that looks at the picture is like a smile. “Summer team, are you making it bad again?”

“How come, I am very serious about proposing to you. As long as there is effect, there is absolutely no need to be in any form. Ye instructor, don’t forget that we only have half a year.”

He said a normal paste, but his heart was completely different.

It’s awkward, watching the little fox growing up more and more clever, and more and more ideas, the principle of doing things is quite strong, he wants to fool her, it is difficult.

Still have to be fooled and flickered, what if it becomes?

In case of success, he was flicked by him… Xia Jinyuan was slightly lowered, and the cool color in the darkness was raised.

If it is done, then she will not be able to talk to herself so easily, how to clean up, how to clean up, not soft.

His serious answer made Ye Jian also think that he might think too much and misunderstand. Although there is still a bit of weirdness in her heart, Ye Jian has to put aside for a while, and a serious face pointed out the misunderstanding of Xia Jinyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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